程瑞福Ruei-Fu Chen廖唯婷Wei-Ting Liao2019-09-052019-7-72019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060130021A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105513本研究旨在探討競技疊杯運動對注意力缺陷過動症學生專注力與學習狀況提升的影響。研究方法採「不相等控制組前後測設計」之準實驗研究法進行實驗。研究參與者為4名注意力缺陷過動症學生,透過競技疊杯運動的介入,運用觀察、標準化測驗及訪談等方式進行資料之蒐集,以瞭解四位研究參與者注意力向度表現的影響。依據研究分析結果,而得以下結論: 一、實施競技疊杯運動能提升注意力缺陷過動症學童專注力的表現。 二、實施競技疊杯運動能提升注意力缺陷過動症學童學習狀況的表現。 三、不同年級的注意力缺陷過動症學童在實施競技疊杯運動後,其專注力及學習狀 況效果皆達顯著。 四、教師對本研究目的、成效持正向態度,認為本研究改善注意力缺陷過動症學童 的專注力,其自信心、主動參與也提升。同時也表示可以讓注意力缺陷過動症 學童繼續接受競技疊杯運動的訓練,甚至推展到班上其他同學一同參與。This research aims on at how sport stacking can improve abilities of focusing and learning for ADHD students. Experiments are of nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design, having 4 ADHD participants proceed sport stacking while collecting information by observations, interviews and standardized tests, for analyses on the attention performances of the 4 participants. Accordingly, the results of the experiments and analyses indicate the conclusions below: 1.Exercise of sport stacking improves ADHD’s attention performance. 2.Exercise of sport stacking enhances ADHD’s learning ability. 3.For ADHDs at different ages, after taking exercise of sport stacking, remarkable improvements in attention performance and learning ability are observed. 4.The teachers who involved with such research give positive comments on this research and its results. The teachers discovered that sport stacking not only improves attention performance but also confidence and motivation for ADHD students. It’s recommended to continue the training of sport stacking and even further apply this program to regular students.競技疊杯注意力缺陷過動症專注力sport stackingADHDattention競技疊杯對注意力缺陷過動症學生專注力與學習狀況提升之研究The Research of Sport Stacking to Improve Attention and Learning of ADHD Students