國立臺灣師範大學英語學系Ting, JenMiller Chang2015-01-292015-01-292004-10-011729-4649http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/44064本文探討兩個主要的議題。一是論證漢語的『給』字有許多不同語類,而在不同的句構中,『給』字呈現不同語類的特徵,因此將『給』字一概視為介詞或連動式第二動詞的分析無法解釋所有『給』字句的特徵。筆者認為在不同的句構中,『給』字應分析為動詞、介詞、或連詞(complementizer)。二是從形式語法的角度,討論『給』字的語法化現象。『給』字由最初的 動詞,經歷語法化的過程,而逐漸發展出介詞和連詞的用法。This article attempts to reach two purposes. The primary purpose is to show that gei must be analyzed as having different categories depending on the constructions in which it occurs. Therefore, neither the preposition account nor SVC account is entirely satisfactory. After the preposition and complementizer status of gei in certain constructions have been determined and recognized, the second purpose of this article is to suggest, in contrast to a typical formal approach, that a grammaticalization path may be involved to relate these different categories of gei. In this approach, the verbal category of gei is the genesis, later a preposition status is developed, and finally a complementizer status arises.語法化漢語GrammaticalizaionCategory of geiDative constructionDouble object constructionSerial verb construction漢語「給」的語類及語法化The Category of Gei in Mandarin Chinese and Grammaticalization