鄧毓浩陳君健2019-08-282013-7-82019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097073201%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88392本研究之目的在研究一群經驗教師透過「大五實習增能班」的課程,如何將教育的專業精神及知能傳承給以童軍專長為主的教育實習學生們,並且自然而然形成了一個龐大的教師專業學習社群。這個增能班因為召集人會「鍥而不捨」地向學員追繳回饋作業而被暱稱「企鵝班」,「企鵝家族」是所有參與的成員的統稱。 本研究採用「文本分析法」分析自95至100學年度的「企鵝班」課程與相關文件,以瞭解企鵝班課程對企鵝家族成員的助益,以及對專業傳承的貢献。並以「訪談法」訪談企鵝家族成員,以補充文本無法呈現之省思與實踐部分。 研究結果顯示: 一、 企鵝班的課程能補足師培課程的不足,並符合教學現場中綜合活動教師的專業需求。 二、 企鵝班課程對企鵝寶寶的實習生活、教師甄試、擔任教職,及講師的專業發展均有實質助益。 三、 教育職場需要被傳承的項目包括:敬業態度與教育熱忱、教學經驗與技巧、班級經營與人際溝通、資源與支援的整合運用。 四、 企鵝班運用了身教與言教的典範學習,體驗、省思與實踐並重的方式達成了傳承的目的。 五、 企鵝家族是一個教師自主形成的教師專業學習社群,不但具有專業發展的功能,還有專業傳承、資源共享等特色。 六、 企鵝家族未來可增加為現職教師辦理增能課程,及設置更周全的交流平台,擴大社群效益。This research aims at studying a group of experienced teachers who pass on their professional knowledge and teaching skills to intern teachers specialized in scout-training from an Educational Practicum Program. During their participation, both the experienced and intern teachers form a huge Professional Learning Community. In the empowerment class, the leading experienced teacher persistently sticks on demanding for the intern teachers’ responses of reflection. Thus, the empowerment class is called the Penguin Class, and the members in the class are called Penguins. This research adapts the method of Textual Analysis, studying related documents of the Penguin Class from School Year 95 to 100. This research also applies the method of Interview to demonstrate how the interviewees exercise their strategies and how they reflect on their teaching, which may not be presented in the related documents. The results of the research include: First, the curriculum of Penguin Class meets the teachers’ needs in the professional field of Intergrated Activities Learning Area. Second, the curriculum of Penguin Class provides essential benefits to both the experienced and intern teachers. Third, knowledges that are required to be passed on in the workplace of education include: dedication and devotion, teaching experience and strategies, skills of class management and interpersonal communication, intergrated combination of supporting resources. Fourth, the Penguin Class makes applies the method of model learning from the experienced teachers’ words and deeds. Fifth, the Penguin Class is a teachers’ Community of Professional Learning. Sixth, the Penguin Class can be expanded as empowerment curriculum for certified teachers. With a more workable communicational platform, the Penguin Class can increase more benefits for the community.教育實習學生教師專業學習社群專業傳承經驗教師綜合活動學習領域Intern TeachersProfessional Learning CommunityPassing on Professional KnowledgeExperienced TeachersLearning Area of Integrated Activities耕一畝心田-國中綜合活動學習領域經驗教師對教育實習學生的專業傳承Tilling the Fields and Cultivating the Soil for Budding Teachers:A Study of Passing On Knowledge from Experienced Teachers to Intern Teachers in Intergrated Activities Learning Area in Junior High School