蔡慧敏Huei-Min Tsai葉凱翔Kai-Hsiang Yeh2019-09-052009-09-212019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695460079%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103698摘 要 921大地震發生至今已屆滿10年,然而我們從那次的經驗中學習到了什麼?本研究擬探討當面對地震災害現址時,環境教育者如何透過解說,及地震災害現址所傳遞的內涵,提升民眾對減災與環境關懷的能力。本研究透過質性研究的方式,以「921地震教育園區」所保存的地震災害現址為案例進行研究探討。試圖透過解說來詮釋探討地震災害現址。最後藉由研究者在研究中的發現與現場經驗,對於地震災害現址解說的內涵與方式,提出具體建議。研究結果如下: (一)我國地震災害現址解說目前以科學教育為主軸,建議以環境教育目的為主旨,發展「關懷自然」、「環境永續」和「為下一代而努力」等多元面向之需求。 (二)地震災害現址環境解說內涵應發展「啟發學習地震災害知識」以及「習得防災技能」為主軸的解說內涵,並正確傳遞地震災害現址中的相關知識。 (三)地震災害現址環境解說內涵應發展「重視環境意識」與「喚起土地認同與關懷」為主軸的解說內涵,並傳遞地震災害現址中的人事物、環境背景及其重要性。 (四)地震災害現址實地進行環境解說時,可運用「提供親身經驗與真實故事」、「自然觀察」、「地震災害現場的反思」、「地震防災活動體驗與參與」的方式引導民眾,以啟發民眾對於知識的探求以及環境的關懷。Abstract In recent years, lots of environmental hazards happened in Taiwan. Learning from the past and raising the public's consciousness toward sustainable environment is important. Achieving this goal, environmental interpretation plays a critical role. This study explored how environmental interpretation works in an earthquake hazard site and what environmental interpretation affect visitors' attitude and consciousness. These studies collect data through interview and field study. After qualitative analysis, the conclusion is as the following: 1. The current interpretation on 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake hazard sites leading to Science Education. But this research strongly recommends the main goal is to spread the ideas of environmental interpretation, sustainable development and making effort to our next generation. 2. The intension of the earthquake memorial would be to inspire learning about knowledge of hazards and how to prevent them. In the meanwhile transcend the correct knowledge about these earthquake hazard sites. 3. In addition, the content of memorial site interpretation should include the awareness of environment and arousing the Identity of earth. In the same times also conveying the people and the stories in these hazard sites. 4. When it comes to those sites, the interpreter of earthquake hazard site can use these content as follows: telling a real experience, natural observation, rethinking of these hazard sites and let the public to try them own. These activities will give more reality in these sites, and also try to inspire and teach the public to learn more about our environment.災害學習地震災害現址環境解說現址博物館Hazard LearningEarthquake Hazard SiteEnvironmental InterpretationSite Museum地震災害現址環境解說內涵之探討 -以921地震教育園區為例Content of the Earthquake Hazard Site Environmental Interpretation -921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan