宋修德林逸棟2019-09-042016-7-252019-09-042011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698700169%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99187本研究主要在探討科技校大陸學生跨文化適應及其滿意度之情形,並分析不同背景變項科技校院大陸學生跨文化適應與學生滿意度之差異情形。 經由文獻探討,本研究發展出「科技校院大陸學生跨文化適應及其滿意度之調查問卷」,針對99學年度科技校院之大陸學生為研究對象,正式問卷以分層叢集抽樣方式對北、中、南各區共14校進行施測,共發出831份問卷,有效問卷回收533份,有效回收率64.1%。問卷回收整理後,以描述性統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行研究假設的驗證。 本研究實證結果發現:不同性別的科技校院大陸學生在跨文化適應中只有在「生理適應」上會有差異情形,而在其他層面上不會有所差異性。而不同學校區域(北部、中部、南部)對科技校院大陸學生的跨文化適應及學生滿意度有顯著差異,就讀「北部」及「南部」科技校院的大陸學生其跨文化適應及學生滿意度較就讀「中部」科技校院的大陸學生高。而學校有無派專人輔導就學或生活起居,對科技校院大陸學生的跨文化適應及學生滿意度有顯著差異,學校有派專人輔導就學或生活起居的科技校院大陸學生跨文化適應及學生滿意度較高。是否會推薦他人來臺灣就讀對科技校院大陸學生的跨文化適應及學生滿意度有顯著差異,會推薦他人來臺灣就讀的大陸學生其跨文化適應及學生滿意度較高;此外,科技校院大陸學生的跨文化適應越好,其學生滿意度越彰顯。The purpose of this research was to investigate the cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction of the mainland China students in colleges and universities of technology in Taiwan. The differences between the cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction basing on dissimilar background variables have been to analyze. Through reviewing references, the questionnaire on “cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction of the mainland China students in colleges and universities of technology” was developed. The population included mainland China students in colleges and universities of technology in 2010. The formal questionnaire was used by stratified sampling to survey mainland China students from fourteen schools in northern, middle and southern districts. 533 effective copies among the 831 questionnaires released with the valid recovery rate of 64.1%. The data were conducted by descriptive statistics, One-Sample T Test, Independent Sample T-Test, Analysis of Variance, Pearson’s correlation to testify the research hypothesis. The results showed that different gender does not present difference in cross-cultural adjustment except physical adjustment. However, the location of the school has a significant influence on cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction. Compared to the students studying in middle district, the students studying in the northern and southern districts performed higher scores on cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction. Assigning specific persons to guide students’ learning and living plays a significant role on cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction. If the schools assigned specific persons to guide the students, the students have higher cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction. The students who are willing to recommend other students to come to Taiwan have higher cross-cultural adjustment and student satisfaction. Besides, the higher cross-cultural adjustment of the mainland China students in colleges and universities oftechnology showed the higher student satisfaction.科技校院大陸學生跨文化適應學生滿意度colleges and universities of technologymainland China studentscross-cultural adjustmentstudent satisfaction科技校院大陸學生跨文化適應及其滿意度之研究The Cross-Cultural Adjustment and Satisfaction for Mainland China Students of Colleges and Universities of Technology in Taiwan