陳純音Chen, Chun-Yin吳中育Wu, Chung-Yu2020-10-192022-07-022020-10-192020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060721034L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110971時至今日,談到中文言談標記「我覺得」的研究,大部分還是著重於成人在立場表述時的使用情形,至於兒童如何習得這個在日常生活中被廣泛運用的認識情態標記,相較來說反而鮮少著墨。有鑑於此,本實驗旨在探討以中文為母語之兒童在具體運思期發揮七種「我覺得」語用功能的發展,尤其在不同文體或情境下。採取量化與質化並行的研究方法來觀察實驗組四十五位兒童,其細分成三個年齡層和對照組十五位成人,以小組討論方式,來蒐集真實的自然語料,同時輔以統計檢定及言談分析作為佐證。 研究發現,如下: 一、所有參與者在論說類型之任務中使用「我覺得」的數量明顯偏高,於此兒童跟成人在偏好上相當類似。 二、就功能性而言不管兒童還是成人「我覺得」最常被用來評論,不過兒童仍然無法用「我覺得」做結論。 三、其固定模組或組成公式則顯示,位於句尾的「我覺得」分布比較狹隘。 四、依據兒童的能力指標也可以看到三階段發展:從低年級到中年級,逐漸習得如何使用「我覺得」來猜測或建議;從中年級到高年級,逐漸習得如何使用「我覺得」來表達事後想法。儘管如此,七歲到十一歲的兒童似乎尚未習得如何使用「我覺得」來提出結論。 總結而言,本論文不僅僅拓展了對中文言談標記的理解,更為往後此方面之母語習得帶來重要的教學啟示與應用。While extensive research has been conducted on how adult native speakers take advantage of one of the most frequently-used Chinese discourse markers, wo juede, in their stance-takings, far too little attention has, until now, been paid to examine the first language acquisition of such a marker of epistemicity. Therefore, this study seeks to explore the way children at the concrete-operational stage acquire wo juede to fulfill a total of seven pragmatic functions within a variety of given contexts. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were employed, and more specifically, sixty participants, inclusive of forty-five children and fifteen adults, partook in one production task with four missions through group discussion. Not merely was many a statistical test undergone quantitatively, but discourse analysis was performed qualitatively in the process. Experimental results showed that the Child and Adult groups were more inclined to utilize wo juede in argumentative genre than in discursive genre. Moreover, all of them much preferred commenting wo juede (T3). Their capabilities of carrying out four wo juede functions suggested itself a stage of development; for example, from G1 to G2, T4 (speculating) and T5 (suggesting) emerged, and from G2 to G3, T7 (expressing afterthoughts) emerged. T6 (concluding) was still not yet acquired by any of the Child groups. Furthermore, wo juede was found to be more likely to occur in the pre-position (T1~T6) rather than post-position (T7), based on its regular patterns. In sum, the present study has not only broadened a growing understanding of discourse markers in the Chinese language, but also shed bright lights on wo juede in L1 acquisition pedagogically.母語習得華語言談標記「我覺得」First Language AcquisitionMandarin ChineseDiscourse MarkerWo Juede中文話語標記「我覺得」之第一語言習得First Language Acquisition of Chinese Discourse Marker Wo Juede