賴慈芸Lai, Tzu-yun孟令函Meng, Lin-Han2019-09-032017-08-072019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060325010L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95933東方出版社與國語日報出版社為臺灣兒童文學史上的兩大兒童文學出版社,歷史悠久且出版品極多,時至今日仍發行許多出版品。兩家出版社在六零年代各自推出了許多翻譯兒童文學套書,其中頗具代表性的有國語日報出版社的「兒童文學傑作選」及東方出版社推出的「世界少年文學選集」。兩套叢書規模、出版時期相近、皆為翻譯兒童文學作品,其時代意義、在兒童文學出版史上的地位都相當重要。 本研究選定東方出版社的「世界少年文學選集」與國語日報出版社的「兒童文學傑作選」進行研究比較。透過查找、收集這兩套叢書的初版作品,選取其豐富的附文本資料(包括給讀者的序言、人物介紹等等),針對兩家出版社的附文本進行比較。 東方出版社的「世界少年文學選集」與國語日報出版社的「兒童文學傑作選」,分別表現日本、美國兩大兒童文學勢力對台灣兒童文學的影響,且兩套叢書的附文本內容、譯者、出版者之文化背景都有明顯差異,本研究針對兩套翻譯兒童文學作品的附文本進行比較,並分析譯者背景及其翻譯策略,呈現兩家出版社各自引介兒童文學叢書的不同手法,並讓譯者在引介翻譯兒童文學作品的過程現身,展現翻譯外國兒童文學作品對臺灣兒童文學帶來的文化影響。The Eastern Publishing Company (東方出版社) and the Mandarin Daily News (國語日報出版社) are the leading publishers of children’s literature in Taiwan. They are both long-established companies that have published numerous works and continue to stand strong in the publishing industry. The Eastern Publishing Company and the Mandarin Daily News each published several series of children’s book in the 1960s. Two of the most iconic series are World’s Literature for Young Readers (世界少年文學選集) published by the Eastern Publishing Company and Masterpiece in Children’s Literature (兒童文學傑作選) published by the Mandarin Daily News. Both series were children’s literature published between the 1960s and 1980s and the number ofthe books in each series were very much the same. Read by children across several generations in Taiwan, the two series have influenced Taiwanese children in many aspects. This research focuses on the World’s Literature for Young Readers and the Masterpiece in Children’s Literature. The first editions and the paratexts (including the preface and introduction to the characters) of both series were collected for comparison. The World’s Literature for Young Readers and the Masterpiece in Children’s Literature show the influence from Japanese and American children’s literature respectively. Obvious differences can be observed in the paratexts, translators, and publishers of both series. This research compares the paratexts of the aforementioned children’s literature series and analyzes the translators’ background and their translation strategies. This research also presents the different methods each publisher used to introduce the children’s literature series and how the publishers allowed the translators to play a part in such introductions, thus showing the cultural influences these translated children’s literature have on Taiwanese children’s literature.翻譯兒童文學東方出版社國語日報出版社translationchildren’s literatureEastern Publishing CompanyMandarin Daily News「世界少年文學選集」與「兒童文學傑作選」的附文本研究A Comparison of Paratexts: A Case Study of Two Translated Collections for Children