詹餘靜楊政坤2014-10-272014-10-272007-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12171檔案評量具有真實呈現、自我反省、重視學習過程、發展學生自覺等特點,是多年來受到重視的評量方式之一,然而其耗時耗空間與客觀性的問題,使得它在應用上 受到限制。值此之際,網路化學習環境因為資訊設備的進步與頻寬功能的提昇,使得網路平臺為教師節省存放檔案的空間,而其方便性也讓教學評量有多一項選擇。 本研究旨在設計一個網路化檔案評量系統,進而探討其可行性與成效。31位國小六年級學生與其英語教師參與此為期十週的網路化檔案評量活動,研究者以問卷與 訪談為研究工具,輔以網路系統日誌、教室觀察、學生作業,以質性與量化的方法,分析師生對此評量系統以及對參與整個評量活動歷程的看法與意見。研究結果發 現,師生對此評量系統滿意,對此評量方式感到有趣,學生積極參與整個學習評量過程,肯定同儕互評的功能。然而其意見也反應出系統的設計與同儕互評的實施仍 有改進之處。最後筆者歸納幾項研究結論,指出研究限制,並就網路化檔案評量系統設計與評量相關議題提出建議,做為未來研究的參考。Portfolio assessment has been used for years, but the problems of the time and space required for keeping portfolios and the subjectivity of assessment make its implementation limited. This study aimed to design a website-based system of portfolio assessment and to investigate its practicability and effectiveness. One EFL teacher and 31 sixth-graders participated in this 10-week study. Quantitative and qualitative data obtained through questionnaires and interviews were analyzed. The results revealed that the participants were satisfied with the system and interested in this type of assessment. They actively participated in website-based portfolio assessment and highly appreciated peer assessment. They gave opinions about improving the system and implementing peer assessment. In addition to summarizing the findings and self-evaluating the limitations of this study, the researchers give some suggestions for further studies.英語評量網路化檔案評量同儕評量English language assessmentWebsite-based portfolio assessmentPeer assessment國小英語網路化學習檔案評量系統之設計與實施成效The Construction of a System of Website-Based Portfolio Assessment and Its Effect of Implementation at an EFL Elementary School