黃靖惠Hwang, Jing-Huey李怡穎Li, Yi-Ying2022-06-082021-10-262022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a80e67876fc79c0189c938b39a5fcea3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117178近幾年開始推行「治癒型綜藝」,此類綜藝節目注重情感體驗與日常生活之文化內涵。本論文則聚焦於中國治癒綜藝節目《妻子的浪漫旅行》,而研究目的主要為探討該節目所賦予閱聽人的愉悅治癒感受、分析四對不同婚姻狀況(如婚齡和有無小孩)的已婚閱聽人對節目所呈現的婚姻性別角色之詮釋觀點。依據文獻回顧及文本分析,本論文將此節目所呈現的婚姻性別角色區分為愛情展現、財務掌控、衝突反應、事業與家庭的權衡四大面向。而透過訪談則發現受訪閱聽人對此些面向的詮釋,可由其經驗與觀點而區分為三類:閱聽人經驗與節目角色經驗相同而表示贊同(經驗型詮釋)、閱聽人經驗與節目角色經驗相異但表示贊同(包容型詮釋)、閱聽人經驗與節目角色經驗相異而表示反對(抗拒型詮釋)。另外,本論文顯示婚齡和親職經驗不同的夫妻對於節目治癒功能的反應不同。例如,婚齡較輕的夫妻關切節目的真實性,對於傳統性別角色的節目呈現會提出批判,但對於現代的性別相處模式則會作為參考;婚齡較長的夫妻則是對節目角色表達同理,而對於傳統性別角色的節目呈現有所贊同和反對。但不同階段婚齡的受訪夫妻均認為節目帶來「學習」的治癒功能。節目除了帶給正面治癒效果,本研究另外發現尚有降低閱聽人治癒感的因素,包含節目製作的刻意展現、對於節目的真實性存有懷疑、節目藝人的思想和行為不符合閱聽人期待等。“Healing variety shows” are greatly launched in current years which emphasize the affective experiences and the cultural connotation of daily life. Focusing on the China’s healing show “Viva La Romance”, this thesis is to study audiences’ healing pleasure, and to analyze four married couples’ view on the show’s gender roles with their different married years and parenting experiences.Based on literature review and textural analysis, the thesis categorizes the show into four aspects about its presentation for gender roles in marriage: the romantic relationships, finance dominance, conflict response and the balance between career and family. And through audience interviews concerning their interpretations for the above aspects, three types of interpretations can be divided according to their experiences and perspectives: the audiences expressed agreement with experiences the same as those of the show’s cast (experiential interpretation), the audiences expressed agreement with experiences different from those of the show’s cast (inclusive interpretation), the audiences expressed disagreement with experiences different from those of the show’s cast (opposing interpretation).Moreover, this thesis shows distinct responses, among couples with different married years and parenting experiences, regarding the show’s healing functions. For example, couples with less married years concern the show’s authenticity, bring critics on the traditional gender roles and take the modern mode of gender interaction into consideration. In contrast, couples with longer married years articulate empathy towards the cast of the show, both agreement and disagreement with the traditional gender roles being presented in the show. However, the interviewed couples with different married years all recognize the healing function of “learning” created by the show. Besides the positive healing functions, this study finds factors which reduce healing for audiences, including the deliberate operation of the show, questions for the show’s authenticity, the inconformity between the thinking/behavior of the cast and the expection of audeince, and so on.性別角色治癒型綜藝節目接收分析Gender RoleHealing Variety ShowReception Analysis婚姻中的性別角色:已婚閱聽人對治癒型節目《妻子的浪漫旅行》之接收分析The Gender Roles in Marriage: The Reception Analysis of Married Audiences on the Viewing of the Healing Show"Viva La Romance"學術論文