張育愷Chang, Yu-Kai楊怡慧Yang, Yi-Hui2023-12-082023-09-082023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/08ee821b6774a026488167814a3f0da0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118746老化不僅伴隨身體、心智和精神健康的下降,還會導致生活品質的衰退,甚至增加與年齡相關的醫療費用。研究發現,通過改變生活方式因素,減少老化的負面影響,例如進行運動和冥想,可以實現成功的老化。值得注意的是,研究發現多面向運動對老年人有積極的影響,它結合了多種生活方式因素的組成。然而,對於中高齡者,多面向運動的效果仍不清楚。因此,本研究旨在調查多面向運動對中高齡者的身體、心理、靈性健康和生活品質的影響。總共招募41名中高齡者 (年齡在45-65歲之間),隨機分配到運動組和控制組。運動組安排了24週 (每週90分鐘實體教學及60分鐘線上演練) 多面向運動介入,課程內容包含有氧、阻力、伸展及冥想等運動。控制組則維持平時正常生活型態。於多面向運動介入前後,兩組均會進行身心靈健康和生活品質的前測及後測。並期待經過24週多面向運動介入後,參與者的身心靈健康及生活品質均有顯著影響。本研究結果顯示,41位中高齡者經過24週的多面向運動介入後,運動組在身體、心理及靈性健康方面均顯著優於控制組 (p ≤ .05),表示多面向運動能有效提升中高齡者的身心靈健康。在參加者背景組間差異發現,運動組的體重及BMI均呈下降趨勢,骨骼及肌肉則未減少。而兩組在生活品質方面並無顯著效益。經由這個研究結果發現,24週多面向運動能夠幫助中高齡者,減重、降低BMI及提升身心靈健康,惟對生活品質的提升,尚須排除一些限制原因,繼續探討及驗證。Aging not only accompanies the decline of body, mind, and spiritual health, but also leads to a decay in the quality of life, and even increases age related medical costs. Studies have found that successful aging can be achieved through changes in lifestyle factors implemented to as to decline the negative effects of aging, such as engaging in exercise and meditation. It is worth noting that studies have identified positive effects of multi-component exercise, which combines multiple components of lifestyle factors, on older adults. However, the effects of multi-component exercise on middle-aged and older adults remains unclear.Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of multi-component exercise on body, mind, and spiritual health and quality of life in middle-aged and older adults. Forty-one participants (aged 45–65 years) were recruited and randomly assigned to the exercise group and the control group. The exercise group will finish the multi-component exercise, which included aerobic, stretching, resistance exercise, and meditation, for 24 weeks (90 mins online and 60 mins offline exercise per week). The control group will maintain their typical lifestyle. Body, mind and spiritual health and quality of life were measured before and after the intervention. Current results revealed that the multi-component exercise program improved the body, mind, and spiritual health and quality of life in middle-aged adults.The results of study showed that after 24 weeks multi-component exercise intervention, the exercise group exhibited significant improvements in body, mind, and spiritual health compared to the control group (p ≤ .05). The intervention had a significant impact on the overall body, mind and spiritual health of middle-aged and older adults, indicating that multi-component exercise can effectively enhance their holistic well-being. Regarding the differences in participant characteristics between the groups, the exercise group showed a decreasing trend in body weight and BMI, while there was no reduction observed in bone and muscle. However, there were no significant benefits observed in terms of quality of life. Based on these research findings, it was found that 24 weeks multi-component exercise program can help middle-aged and older adults in weight reduction, BMI reduction, and improvement of their body, mind and spiritual health. However, further investigation and verification are needed to understand the factors limiting the improvement in quality of life.多面向運動中高齡身心靈健康生活品質Multi-Component ExerciseMiddle-Aged and Older adultsBodyMind and Spiritual HealthQuality of Life多面向運動對中高齡者的身心靈健康與生活品質之影響Effects of Multi-Component Exercise on Body, Mind and Spiritual Health and Quality of Life in Middle-Aged and Older Adultsetd