王秀玲吳盈慧2019-08-292018-07-312019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN006000305E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92611本研究旨在探討國小社會學習領域教師融合學生小組成就區分法與拼圖法第二代兩種合作學習模式形成之教學步驟,發現教學行動中遭遇到的問題與解決策略,探究學生學習成長與教師教學省思,並提升研究者之教學專業。本研究以行動研究方式,研究對象為國小四年級共22名學生,研究學科領域為國小四年級社會學習領域,主要教材來源為康軒版教科用書。研究者透過教學觀察、學生及研究協同教師訪談、教學省思札記、文件分析等方式蒐集資料,並進一步分析、歸納出研究結果。根據研究結果與討論,獲得研究結論如下: 一、在發現教學現場所遭遇到的問題後,藉由行動研究歷程,融合學生小組成就區分法與拼圖法第二代兩種合作學習模式形成教學步驟,面對實施此教學步驟中遭遇到之問題,發展問題解決策略,發現對學生學習及教師教學省思皆有正向影響。 二、合作學習的教學行動中,對不同發表意願、表達能力、人際互動技巧、學習能力之學生,在發表、溝通、人際互動與學習評量方面皆有所成長。 三、透過問題釐清與描述、行動方案擬定與執行、資料蒐集與驗證教學行動成果、內省並與他人對話、研究過程文件化的行動研究歷程中,有助於研究者解決教學現場遭遇到的問題,提升教師專業並重視自我教學省思。 根據研究結果,從學校行政、國小班級實施合作學習及後續研究三方面,提供具體建議。The purpose of this study is to explore what steps of elementary social studies teacher integrate different cooperative learning models, describes what problems a teacher may encounter and how to solve them. In addition, discusses different levels on expression and learning ability students' growth of expression, communication, interaction and academic achievement. This study also attempts to learn how a teacher may improve professional growth through self-reflection. Action research was utilized in this study. The subjects of this study were 22 fourth grade students from an elementary school and elementary social studies. Data such as observation records during classes, interview notes, teaching diary and other related documents were collected and analyzed to answer the research questions. The main findings of the study are as follows: 1. The integration of STAD and Jigsaw II help students learning and teachers teaching. 2. During the implementation of cooperative learning, it enhance students' growth of expression, communication, interaction and academic achievement. 3. By action research and repeating the process of constantly self-reflecting, revising strategies, and taking actions, a teacher may solve the problems in the field and enhances teaching skills. Finally, the researcher provides recommendations for applying cooperative learning in the school. The researcher also provides some suggestions for further studies in this direction.社會學習領域合作學習social studiescooperative learning國小社會學習領域教師實施合作學習之行動研究An Action Research of Elementary Social Studies Teacher By Cooperative Learning