羅詩雲Lo, Shih-yun2019-08-122019-08-122016-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80975旅行實是一種接觸不同文化的跨界過程,也是主體經驗文化差異的歷程。〈新興中國見聞記〉是具日本留學與台灣社會運動經驗的知識分子謝春木,其1929 年5 月至6月赴中國旅行後的歸台沉澱之作,內容是探討日本在中國的政經勢力與生活眾相。在日治時期台灣知識分子生存於殖民地社會、近代世界文明觀、殖民霸權多重時空脈絡之下,遊記多就中國方面情況對照省思台灣問題,並結合了日本、中國、台灣的多重視野,充分表現了日治時期台灣社會運動面臨思想轉變下知識分子文化視野的複雜性。〈新興中國見聞記〉依區域可劃分為日本、上海華東、東北滿洲等三大區的紀錄。本文將以東北滿洲的行旅文字為主要分析內容,並以其他兩區從旁參照,析論謝春木的文化視野與感覺結構。藉由爬梳日治時期的台人海外旅行書寫,探求敘事空間、交通體驗、社會結構中日常生活與文化行旅間的互動脈絡,以及謝春木之於台灣社會運動路線的思考。Traveling is a process of cross-cultural contact, and an inner experience of cultural differences. This paper addresses Taiwanese intellectuals’ opinions and commentaries on China, focusing on “Travels of Emerging China”, written by Taiwanese intellectual Hsieh Chun-mu, who studied in Tokyo and joined Taiwan’s social movements during the Japanese colonial period. Hsieh Chun-mu recorded his travel experiences in 1929. The main reason for his travel was to explore the influence of Japanese colonial force on China’s political, economic, and public affairs. During the period of Japanese colonization, Taiwanese intellectuals lived in a multispatial and temporal context, which included colonial society, modern concepts of world civilization, and imperial hegemony. Hsieh Chun-mu’s travel records a combination of the perspectives of Japan, China, and Taiwan, not only reflect the situation in China at the time but also provide the reader with an idea of the circumstances in Taiwan. The setting of “Travels of Emerging China” includes Japan, East China, and Northeast China (Manchuria). This paper focuses on Manchuria and the other two settings as references, to analyze Hsieh Chun-mu’s intercultural perspective, point of view about Taiwan’s social movements and structure of affect. This paper explores the colonizer’s personal identification, Chinese imagination, and social context of cultural interaction through a close study on Hsieh Chun-mu’s travel writing on China under Japanese rule.旅行〈新興中國見聞記〉謝春木滿洲殖民地travel“Travels of Emerging China”Hsieh Chun-muManchuriacolony行腳滿洲.發現台灣:以1930年謝春木〈新興中國見聞記〉為討論中心Traveling Manchuria and Discovering Taiwan: A Discussion on Hsieh Chun-mu’s “Travels of Emerging China” in 1930