林寶貴洪儷瑜林美秀2019-08-282005-09-012019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0088509002%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91341本研究旨在探討教導式對話教學,對增進學習障礙兒童口語與閱讀理解能力之效果。研究對象為北部地區國小四年級學生,以「扥尼非語文智力測驗」及「語文理解測驗」,選取出智力正常之聽覺理解與閱讀理解,沒有顯著差異之低閱讀能力兒童,共13名,採準實驗設計方式,以每組3-4人為一小組,進行實驗教學。   本研究之主要發現如下: 壹、教導式對話教學對口語與閱讀能力之增進 一、口語能力方面 本研究發現,教導式對話教學對學習障礙兒童口語能力,有增進。增進的能力包括,聽覺理解和口語表達能力。在聽覺理解方面,主要是對以聽故事後評量之故事重組正確性,有增進。在口語表達方面,教導式對話教學對總詞彙數、相異詞數、連接詞數、迷走語數都有增進。教導式對話教學對以聽故事後評量之故事結構完整性,故事開始介紹項目,以及口語表達指標之總連接詞數有保留。 二、閱讀能力方面 本研究發現,教導式對話教學對學習障礙兒童閱讀理解能力,有增進,增進的能力包括閱讀速度和正確性。在閱讀速度方面,教導式對話教學能增進受試唸讀速度與故事重組時間。以唸故事後評量之故事重組時間、故事理解等能力有保留效果,在故事理解方面,重組正確性、事結構完整性均有保留效果。 貳、教導式對話對口語與閱讀增進之關係 一、整體口語和閱讀理解能力增進之關係 聽故事理解能力的增進,與唸讀速度的增進有關;總相異詞數的增進,與唸重組速度增進有關;總迷走語數增加,與以唸故事後評量之重組速度增進有關。 二、口語能力間增進之關係 總詞彙數之增進,與總相異詞彙數之增進有關,以唸故事後評量之詞彙數增進與相異詞數、連接詞數之增進有關;以聽故事後評量之詞彙數增進與相異詞數之增進有關;以聽故事後評量之相異詞數增進與連接詞數之增進有相關。 三、閱讀理解能力間增進之關係 篇章理解之增進與以唸故事後評量之故事理解增進有關。 四、口語與閱讀理解次能力增進之關係 以唸或讀故事後評量之詞彙數、相異詞數、連接詞、迷走語之增進和以唸故事後評量之故事重組正確性與故事結構完整性之增進,沒有相關。 參、教導式對話教學對增進口語與閱讀理解的可行性能力 根據本研究結果顯示,透過討論和重述的活動,以增進學習障礙兒童口語與閱讀理解能力,是可行的。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional discourse on oral language and reading comprehension of 13 fourth-grade elementary students with learning disabilities through Quasi-experimental design. The results of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The effects of oral language and reading comprehension 1) oral language Subjects’ abilities of oral language including listening comprehension and oral expressing were increased and their performances on the task of total words written (TW), type token ratio (TTR), conjunction, and maze after instruction. Under the condition of “after listening a story (ALS)”, subjects’ ability on the story introduction of story grammar was maintained at the 3-week follow-up. 2) reading comprehension Subjects’ ability of reading comprehension including fluency and correctness of reading were increased after instruction. Under the condition of “after reading a story (ARS)”, subjects’ performances on re-ordering story and story grammar were maintained at the 3-week follow-up. 2. The relationship of oral language and reading comprehension 1) between oral language and reading comprehension a. Under the condition of ALS, subjects’ performances on story comprehension were correlated with reading fluency under the condition of ARS. b. Subjects’ performances on TTR were correlated with the speed of re-ordering story under the condition of ALS. c. Subjects’ performances on TTR and maze were correlated with those on the speed of re-ordering story under the condition of ALS. 2) oral language a. Subjects’ performances on TW were correlated with those on TTR. b. Under the condition of ARD, subjects’ performances on TW and TTR were correlated with those on conjunctions. c. Under the condition of ALS, Subjects’ performances on TW were correlated with those on TTR, and subjects’ performances on TTR were correlated with those on conjunction. 3) reading comprehension Subjects’ performances on text comprehension were correlated with those on story comprehension under the condition ALS. 4) between sub-level of oral language and reading comprehension Under the condition of ARD and ALS,Subjects’ performances on TW, TTR, conjunction and maze were no correlated with those on re-ordering story and story grammar. 3. The results of this study show that discussing and retelling-story can enhance the abilities of oral language and reading comprehension of children with learning disabilities. According the aforementioned findings, the limitation of this study, and the recommendations to research and practical implementations were made.教導式對話教學聽覺理解口語表達閱讀理解低閱讀者instruction discourselistening comprehensionoral expressingpoor reader教導式對話教學對增進學習障礙兒童口語與閱讀理解能力效果之研究The Effects of Instructional Discourse on Oral Language and Reading Comprehension of Children with Learning Disabilities