徐堉峰千葉秀幸Yu-Feng HsuHideyuki Chiba顏嘉瑩Chia-Ying Yen2019-09-052018-08-282019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060043005S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104036香蕉弄蝶(Erionota torus)與尖翅香蕉弄蝶(E. thrax)皆隸屬於鱗翅目(Lepidoptera)弄蝶科(Hesperiidae)蕉弄蝶屬(Erionota),為入侵許多國家的外來種農葉害蟲,因其幼蟲除了取食芭蕉科植物(Musaceae)葉片之外,亦具有捲旋葉面製作蟲巢的習性,使植物行光合作用之面積大量減少,阻礙成長,嚴重危害香蕉產業,造成了嚴重的經濟損失。其中香蕉弄蝶於1986年首次在台灣屏東縣九如鄉發現,至90年代早期即已遍布全台。除了危害栽培種蕉類植物之外,本種幼蟲亦可取食原生種臺灣芭蕉(Musa formosana)。然而,香蕉弄蝶與尖翅香蕉弄蝶的飛行能力並不足以飛躍長距離之海洋屏障,且通常活動範圍不會離寄主植物太遠,因此許多研究皆推測其入侵與人類活動息息相關。本研究在第一部分分別追溯兩種蕉弄蝶之族群來源與入侵途徑並探討台灣香蕉弄蝶之來源為單一產地還是多個產地。此外,蕉弄蝶屬中只有香蕉弄蝶與尖翅香蕉弄蝶的食草為芭蕉科,其於六種蕉弄蝶成員與鄰近之姐妹屬則是利用棕梠科或薑科。本研究在第二部分為了解香蕉弄蝶屬成員之親緣關係以探討此屬的食草利用格局,則以分子證據粒線體DNA的COI和COII基因與核DNA的Ef-1α基因,利用最大簡約法、最大概概似法及貝氏推論法進行親緣關係樹的建立。 第一部分,本研究採集28隻香蕉弄蝶樣本於8個國家,共15個採集樣點,進行粒線體COI與 COII的序列分析,得有10個基因型。其中台灣本島的族群與沖繩的石垣島和與那國島以及中國福建省的族群擁有相同的基因型,由於香蕉弄蝶入侵沖繩的時間較台灣晚,因此此結果支持台灣的香蕉弄蝶是來自於中國福建之單一入侵產地。在尖翅香蕉弄蝶部分,本研究共採集11隻樣本於9個採集樣點,共來自於6個國家,進行粒線體序列分析後,得有6個基因型。研究結果發現,尖翅香蕉在亞洲地區的族群基因相似度與地理距離遠近具有相同模式。第二部分,為了建構香蕉弄蝶屬的成員之親緣關係以及食性演化,本研究採用粒線體與核序列進行分析(COI+COII: 2209 bp; Ef-1α: 1200 bp)。研究結果顯示,香蕉弄蝶屬為單系群,且屬內六種物種皆為單系群。此外,香蕉弄蝶與尖翅香蕉弄蝶亦為一個單系群,顯示以芭蕉科為食草的利用為單一寄主轉移事件。Banana skippers, which comprises two species, Erionota torus and E. thrax, belong to family Hesperiidae, and have been introduced into several counties. Their caterpillars feed on family Musaceae and construct leaf rolls to make shelters, which can cause the reduction of the banana's leaf area, the decline of the photosynthesis rate of plants, and the reduction of plant growth and fruit yields. E. torus was discovered as a new banana pest in Taiwan since 1986. And rapidly spread all over the island in the early 1990s. Their caterpillars not only damage cultivated bananas but also feed on endemic Taiwanese bananas. The flying ability of the banana skippers does not allow them to fly across the distant ocean barrier, and they usually do not leave the host plant area too long. Thus, it seems very likely that the banana skippers in Taiwan and other countries was introduced by human activities. In the first part, we employing the standard phylogeographic methodologies to test the possible geographic sources of the population of the two banana skippers introduced in various countries of the world. Moreover, the other members in this genus and the sister group of the genus Erionota mainly utilize Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae as their host plant, while only the family Musaceae are utilized by E. torus and E. thrax as their host plant. In the second part, we sequences utilized molecular evidence, mitochondrial COI+COII and nuclear Ef-1α, to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship of the genus Erionota and map the pattern of hostplant use onto this inferred tree. We obtain 28 specimens from 15 localities in 8 counties, and distinguished 10 haplotypes. The population in Taiwan shares the same haplotype with the specimens from Okinawa, Japan (Yonaguni Is and Ishigaki Is) and Fujian Province, China. Thus, the invasion source to Taiwan is very likely from Fujian Province, China. Our result showed a clear pattern that the genetic differentiation among the populations in Asia reflected the geographic distance between the collecting localities. The results highly supported that the genus Erionota is a monophyletic group. The six species we obtained in this research are also representing six monophyletic groups. Moreover, the banana skippers, E.thrax and E.torus, are a monophyletic group which represents a single host shift from Arecaceae or Zingiberaceae to Musaceae.蕉弄蝶屬寄主轉移親緣關係入侵種Erionotahost shiftinvasive speciesphylogeny蕉弄蝶屬之分子親緣關係探討與屬內兩種入侵農業害蟲之來源檢測Molecular phylogeny of the genus Erionota (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae), with inferring the origins of two notorious banana pest species