周愚文林嘉瑛Lin, Chia-Ying2019-08-282022-01-012019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0896000032%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89683本研究主要調查二次世界大戰後,臺灣中南部地區尚存私塾之發展情形,透過官書、報紙、期刊、地方志、人物誌、回憶錄、統計資料、照片、私人出版品等官民資料,另佐以耆老訪談,與訪談所得的文件資料,探討近代臺灣中南部地區私塾發展情形。 研究發現二戰後私塾確曾短暫復興,中南部私塾分布以雲林、嘉義、臺南三縣市為最多。私塾主要作為父執輩及青年人選擇作為補充學力及替代學校教育的場所,因其是一個可以快速增加學力、奠定扎實語文能力,進而提升受教者社會地位的教育場所,補習教育意味濃厚。 惟因國民學校普及,老成凋零又後繼無人等因素,使得私塾1960年代時大量關閉。雖然有私塾受教者持續投入詩社、傳統文學、謎猜等文學或文化活動,但其性質已不同,因此臺灣漢文私塾教育於私塾一間間結束後告終。The main purpose of this dissertation is to explore the development of the private schools (Sīshú) in central and southern areas in modern Taiwan. The sources, such as official publications, newspapers, periodicals, local records, personal records, memoirs, statistics, pictures, and private works were used. Besides, the oral records interviewing with the former students were used. The major findings are as follows. After the Second World War, the private school (Sīshú) in central and southern Taiwanl have revived for a short period, which mostly located at Yunlin, Chiayi, and Tainan areas. Those schools were seen as a place where parents and young people chose to enhance their children’s scholastic ability and substituted formal schooling. Because scholastic ability and language skills rapidly were enhanced, it helped to upgrade the social status of the students. However, due to the universalization of compulsory education, teachers aging and no one succeeding, and other factors, the private school (Sīshú) closed in the 1960s gradually. Although some private schools’ students took part in the poetry societies or riddles-guessing activity, the nature of the activity was different from that of schools. Finally, the private schools (Sīshú) in modern Taiwan have come to the end.私塾暗學仔中南部地區漢文教育補習教育Sīshúprivate schoolsCentral and Southern Areasmodern Taiwancram school臺灣近代中南部地區私塾教育A Study of the Education of Private Schools in Central and Southern Areas in Modern Taiwan