國立臺灣師範大學圖文傳播學系周遵儒2014-10-302014-10-302011-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/36719在傳統燈具逐漸被取代及停止販售的趨勢下,影視製作用之攝影棚燈具也將逐漸被更換成發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode,LED)光源燈具。然而,LED燈具雖然有諸多優點,其光譜組成與自然日光相距甚遠,演色性不佳的問題,運用在影視製作上,會造成顏色逼真程度不足,使得色彩呈現的效果無法達到廣播等級的專業需求。 本研究將針對實際影視製作流程的特性,亦即所有的視覺效果呈現都在影像顯示之後而非攝影棚中,基於這個概念,我們提出一種影像處理趨向的解決方案,以解決照明光源演色性不佳問題,針對照明光源與物體反射譜(Object Spectral Reflectance)進行多頻譜分析(Multi-spectral Analysis),並透過最佳化物體反射譜的估計,模擬出近似自然光源照明的效果。預期本研究結果能為影視製作領域提供一套全新的LED光源演色性改良方法,更符合真實影視製作上的需求。With the trend of replacing and stop selling traditional bulbs, the studio lighting devices will be being substituted for LED (Light Emitting Diode) ones. However, even though there are lots of advantage of LED lighting devices, the problems that the spectrum of LEDs is far different from daylight, and the color rendering is low lead to poor ability of reproducing color faithfully in video production and cannot be qualified for the demand of professional broadcasting. In this project, due to the characteristics of video production, that is, all performing of visual effects appear AFTER their display but not in the capture studio, we will accordingly propose a brand new solution to poor color rendering of LED light source based on the image processing approach. A color correcting process will be developed for the flow of video production to do multi-spectral analysis with the light source and the object spectral reflectance. By estimating for the optimal spectral reflectance of objects in images, we simulate the nearly effect of daylight. It will be expect to provide a whole new improvement of correcting the color rendering of LED lighting devices by the result of this research and meet the need of video production more practically.發光二極體演色性多頻譜分析物體反射譜影像處理影視製作LEDColor renderingMulti-spectral analysisSpectral reflectanceImage processingVideo production影像處理趨向發光二極體光源演色性改善於影視製作應用之研究An Image Processing Approach to Color Rendering Improvement of LED Light Source for Video Production