周中天Chung-tien Chou蔡昀汝Yun-ju Tsai2019-09-032008-12-182019-09-032007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693250066%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96015作為一個受過專業訓練的譯者,並不只是單純具有雙語能力之文化掮客、或知識獨占者,而是能運用雙語能力之優勢,成為艾德華‧薩依德(Edward W. Said)所謂的「知識份子」,身負文化傳遞的責任。 根據薩伊德的觀點:知識份子的形象是「具有能力『向』(to)公眾以及『為』(for)公眾來代表、具現、表明訊息、觀點、態度、哲學或意見的個人。而且這個角色也有尖銳的一面,在扮演這個角色時必須意識到其處境就是公開提出令人尷尬的問題,對抗(而不是產生)正統與教條,不能輕易被政府或集團收編,其存在的理由就是代表所有那些慣常被遺忘或棄置不顧的人們和議題。 一本好的譯作,會帶來重大的影響,啟迪民智、引發進步的動力。尤其在資訊封閉、言論自由受到箝制的社會,譯者(有時候是出版社或總編輯)所扮演的角色更是關鍵--譯者其實是文化傳遞與知識散播的一環。傅科指出:「若沒有一個溝通、紀錄、積累和轉移系統,任何知識都不可能形成,這系統本身就是一種權力形式,其存在與功能和其他形式的權力緊密相連。 反之,任何權力的行使,都離不開對知識的汲取、佔有、分配和保留。」由此可以看出:當譯者沒有意識到身為知識分子的責任,在權力的系統中,他充其量不過是個權力施加的客體或載體,但是當他轉換念頭,具有深刻的自我意識,那麼譯者的所作所為,包括選擇要翻譯哪些作品、如何翻譯作品,都是在行使其選擇與表述的權力,這時他就是一個行使權力的主體。權力的主客體轉換就是這麼微妙,僅在一念之間。 誠如勒菲弗爾所言,社會乃多元系統的集合體,文學系統與其他系統互動,也屬於社會多元系統的一部份。而翻譯自屬於文學系統,必定受到譯者或當權者的意識形態與文學觀的支配,無法真確反映原文的面貌,因此他把翻譯、編輯、文集編纂、文學史和工具書的編寫等等,一律稱為「改寫」,而改寫就是「操縱」,是為權力服務的有效手段。而其中他認為影響翻譯的三大因素為「贊助力量」(patronage)、「文學觀」(poetics)與「意識形態」(ideology)。 本文藉由喬治‧歐威爾的政治預言作品《一九八四》之中文譯本在台灣、中國大陸與香港的譯介情形,試圖探討譯者在翻譯過程中,受到政治背景(權力)之影響,望能解開譯者腦中黑盒子的秘密,檢視譯者是否忠實於知識份子的使命,亦或受到外界壓力而影響詮釋之角度。A professional translator has more obligations than just being a bilingual cultural broker, or a walking monopoly of knowledge; instead, a translator is obliged to communicate between two different cultures through his words, writing, and translations. According to Said, an intellectual's mission in life is to advance human freedom and knowledge. As Foucault indicates, authority determines how knowledge is perceived, what kind of knowledge people should acquire and what an object represents to people. “Knowledge” in turn reinforces the authority. Therefore, to Said, the functions of intellectuals are to represent the suppressed, question authority and speak the truth. Only when a universal standard like “freedom and equality” is pursued, can a person or an intellectual be freed from the power structure. Often “Intellectuals” cannot function because they are bound by professionalism, expertise or corporate interest, etc. A law, a rule or an act of an authority may unfairly operate against a minority. People dare not question the authorities on behalf of the suppressed because they are afraid of losing jobs, being expelled from an interested community, being unprofessional or being unqualified. People are educated that it is better not to deviate from the norm. But the task of an intellectual is to speak out and make a change. The above-mentioned coincides with Levefere’s perspective. He thinks there are three elements affecting the translation process—poetics, patronage, and ideology. This thesis shall examine how the political elements (power and ideology) work in the process of translation and whether the translator fulfills his personal obligation as an intellectual by discussing how Nineteen Eighty-Four was and is translated and communicated in Taiwan, China, and Hong Kong.知識分子權力文化翻譯翻譯操縱說系統理論意識形態intellectualpower and knowledgeculture translationmanipulationpolysystem theoryideology譯者的知識份子角色──以喬治歐威爾《一九八四》譯本探討政治背景對翻譯之影響The Representations of the Intellectual Translator: Political Influence on the Chinese Translation of Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell