楊紹裘Shao-Cho Yang周世傑Shih-Chieh Chou2019-09-042006-03-202019-09-042006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0591701017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98558本研究旨在探討基隆市國民教育階段身心障礙類特殊教育教師工作滿意的情形。 研究採取問卷調查之量化統計,編製「基隆市國民中小學教育階段身心障礙類特殊教育教師工作滿意調查問卷」為研究工具,對任教於基隆市國民中小學教育階段開設有身心障礙特教班的國中16所、國小35所之251位身心障礙類特殊教育教師進行問卷調查。統計分析方法分別運用描述性統計的次數分配、百分比及平均數、標準差資料分析和推論性統計的獨立樣本t考驗或單因子變異分析、LSD法、皮爾森積差相關分析來進行資料處理。對於開放問題的回答以內容分析(content analysis)的方式加以歸類。本研究主要發現如下: 壹、教師的整體工作滿意程度是屬於「尚可」到「滿意」之間。向度滿意程度依序為「同事關係」、「工作本身」、「主管領導」、「薪資福利」最後為「陞遷進修」。 貳、教師最滿意項目為特教工作能提供學生很多的幫助;最不滿意為對於特教教師工作升遷的管道。 參、工作滿意在個人背景變項方面:教師以「男性」、年齡「50-59歲」、任教「21年以上」、專業背景以「特教研究所」、任教資格以「合格特教」之特教教師滿意度最高。不同婚姻狀況教師在工作滿意程度上無顯著差異。 肆、工作滿意在工作背景變項方面:不同任職的教師,主任>專任教師、主任>導師、組長>導師,任職導師的教師工作滿意最低;任教階段在工作滿意程度上無顯著差異。 伍、工作滿意度之向度分析以「陞遷進修」向度與整體滿意之相關係數最高,表示陞遷進修在基隆市國民教育階段身心障礙類特殊教育教師工作滿意上扮演著舉足輕重的角色。 陸、開放問題: 一、教師最滿意事項:在學生點點滴滴的進步中,提供特殊需求學生及家長共同成長所需的協助,讓特殊需求學生能力能夠提昇。 二、最不滿意事項:無法有效處理學生的行為問題,能力感到力不從心,如找不到解決孩子問題的方法。 三、提升基隆特教教師工作滿意的建議:應依穩定循序漸進方式進行「有目標有計畫的全市性特教發展」,計畫願景工作。 關鍵詞:工作滿意、國民教育、特殊教育、身心障礙教育The goal of this research was to explore the Job Satisfaction situation of Public Disability Special Education Teachers in Keelung City. The chief method for this study is general survey, carried out by using a questionnaire “the Job Satisfaction of Public Disability Special Education Teachers” on 196 teachers. the situation of teachers’ job satitsfaction, the connected factors influencing on job satisfaction and the relationship among the all directions are analysised. the discovery of this research leads some suggestions for the keelung local education authorities, the school authorities and the teachers selves, and the future research. The method of this research was quantitive statistics, by studying documents to lead the pretest questionnaire, with items analysis, validity analysis and Cronbach αfactor on 50 pretest questionnaires, the formal questionnaire was established. By analysised 196 teachers answers on descriptive statistics (frequence distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and descriptive statistics (independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, LSD method, Pearson product-moment correlation), content analysis on the answers of 3 open-ended questions . Following are some significant findings of this survey: 1.The whole job satisfaction of teachers rends to be acceptable. however, there is room for improvement. the most satisfied item is Relationship between staff, then Teach workship, Leadership, Salary, the least satisfied item is Promotion and training. 2.The most satisfied factor is “I can do lots of things for my students.”, the most unsatisfied factor is “ the routes of promotion.” 3.Different personal backgrounds lead different working satisfaction situations on the duration of teaching career and their position. 21years more>below 5years and 21years more >6-10years on teach career duration. Director>Regular teacher; Director> tutor; Headman >tutor in position. 4.No significant differences of the satisfaction on marriage situation and education period. 5.The correlation shows promotion and training have a role in the whole satisfaction. 6.Based on the analysis of the open-ended questionnaire A.The most satisfied factor is teachers really can do something for their students on study. B.The most unsatisfied factor is teachers sometimes cannot find the way out to solve childrens’ difficulties. C.The suggestion for promoting teachers job satisfaction is “the education administrators should establish an all purposes, all directions development plan on Keelung special disability education in the futher.” Key words: Job Satisfaction, Public Education, Special Educatin, Disability Education工作滿意身心障礙教育國民教育特殊教育Job SatisfactionDisability EducationPublic EducationSpecial Educatin國民中小學教育階段身心障礙類特殊教育教師工作滿意之研究-以基隆市為例A study on the Job Satisfaction of Public Disability Special Education Teachers in Keelung City