薛理桂吳宇凡Li-Kuei Hsueh,Yu-Fan Wu2014-10-272014-10-272011-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15145大學圖書館學研究所的成立,民國81 年各圖書館學校改名為圖書資訊學系所,如今發展成7 所碩士班規模。臺灣圖書資訊學碩士教育發展大致分為三階段:成長時期(民國69 年-80 年);發展時期(民國81 年-90 年);轉型時期(民國91 年-迄今)。本研究旨在探討臺灣圖書資訊學碩士教育歷史發展,蒐集7 所碩士班,以及停辦的交通大學數位圖書資訊碩士在職專班,從民國69 年迄今陳述碩士教育現況、發展歷史、課程發展與碩士論文研究發展,最後探討問題與展望。本文從社會、科技、經濟、政治、教育層面綜合分析,最後歸納出影響發展的因素,以解釋臺灣圖書資訊學碩士教育的本質與特色。希望重建過去,並作為未來發展的指引與借鑑。Master’s education in library science began in Taiwan in 1980 with the establishment of the Graduate Institute of Library Science at National Taiwan University. In 1992, the school changed its name to the Department of Library and Information Science. At present, the library and information science master’s educational system in Taiwan is composed ofseven master’s programs. The development of Taiwan’s library and information science (LIS) master’s education occurred in three stages: the early stage from 1980-1991, the developmental stage from 1992-2001, and the transformational stage beginning in 2002 and continuing through the present. This study investigates the historical development of LIS master’s programs in Taiwan, aggregatesinformation on the development of the seven master’s programs, and describes the state and development of LIS master’s education from 1980 until now, finally discussing current issues facing LIS master’s education and its future outlook.檔案館圖書館博物館記憶典藏單位風險管理文化救援ArchivesLibrariesMuseumsMemory InstitutionsRisk ManagementCultural Rescue從日本311大地震看文化典藏單位在自然災害中所扮演的文化救援角色The Culture-rescued Role of Cultural Institutions in the Natural Disaster from Japan 311 Earthquake