劉一民Liu I Min朴貴順Poh Guey Shuenn2019-09-052010-1-252019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0890300181%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/10590116世紀以降,中、日、韓刊行之武藝書數量龐大,其中以明朝的《紀效新書》、江戶的《兵法秘傳書》˙《武術早學》、以及朝鮮的《武藝圖譜通志》最具代表性。本研究以這四本書為基準點,透過書中之「圖」和「譜」的武藝(武藝動作和武器)、示範者的穿著、武藝教學,以及身體哲學的比較,用以呈現、討論中、日、韓對於武藝身體觀的傳承及異同點。 本研究首先重新檢視明朝的《紀效新書》和朝鮮的《武藝圖譜通志》的刊行過程,並從中考察中國武藝對《武藝圖譜通志》之影響;其次究明日本《兵法秘傳書》和《武術早學》的刊行過程以及其內容;之後從中檢討中國武藝對此三書的影響;最後,以《紀效新書》為中心,透過各國之武藝書來比較,探討三國的武藝身體觀。 本研究發現,四本書之中的圖與譜、示範者的穿著、武藝教學內容,以及蘊涵的身體哲學均顯示具有儒家身體思想的觀念。在明朝時期、江戶時期、朝鮮時期所刊行的四本書,都各有特色,可是日本和朝鮮的三本書均不乏是受到明朝《紀效新書》的影響,無論武藝、穿著、武藝教學與身體哲學等。而且,1592年壬辰倭亂的時候,從中國導入到朝鮮的儒家思想,進一步還導入到日本的歷史當中,並提供更好的根據。雖然,日本和朝鮮受到明朝的影響而刊行了兵法、武藝書,可是他們刊行的書籍不僅只是模仿,還加上各國的武藝文化特色,並貫通其中。Martial arts books have been published enormously in China, Japan, and Korea since 16th century, this study analyzes martial arts books from these three countries. Based on Jixiao-Xinshu, Heihô-hidensho, Bujutsu-hayamanabi, and Muye-Dobo-Tongji, this study focuses on martial arts’ body notions in Ming Dynasty, Edo period, and Joseon Dynasty. First, Jixiao-Xinshu in Ming Dynasty and Muye-Dobo-Tongji in Joseon Dynasty are investigated in order to find out how Chinese martial arts has influenced on Muye-Dobo-Tongji. Second, the publication and the content of Heihô-hidensho and Bujutsu-hayamanabi are discussed. At last, the martial arts’ body notions of China, Japan, and Korea have been presented. This study finds that the narration, illustration, dressing of the demonstration, pedagogy, and body thinking in these four books reveal Confucianism thought. Though the four books published in Ming Dynasty, Edo Period, and Joseon Dynasty have their own characteristics, the other three books are all influenced by Jixiao-Xinshu from China. However the art of war and martial arts in Japan and Korea were somehow added their own culture into the books.明朝江戶朝鮮時期武藝書武藝身體觀Ming DynastyEdo PeriodJoseon DynastyMartial art booksMartial artsBody notions16世紀以後中、日、韓的武藝身體觀比較研究--以明朝、江戶、朝鮮時期的武藝書為中心A Comparative Study on Martial Arts' Body Notion in China, Japan, and Korea--Based on Martial Arts Books in Ming Dynasty, Edo Period, and Joseon Dynasty