廖學誠李蕙琴2019-08-292014-7-232019-08-292014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0501231101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94171都市水岸在後工業化都市面臨全球化及城市競爭的都市轉型過程中,已成為都市再發展的重要區位,二重疏洪道地區也在此一脈絡下,展現由「邊陲」翻轉為「核心」的可能性。政治生態學強調在地景生產中,社會和自然的不可分性,同時也強調尺度之間的關係,將有助於概念化二重疏洪道地區的地景變遷歷程。本研究主要透過政治生態學的「環境議題與認同」分析視角,梳理政策、地景變遷、居民環境認同及行動之間的關係脈絡,並運用解釋鏈模式,以釐清尺度互動過程。藉此,重塑二重疏洪道地區的邊緣化歷程,以及經歷邊緣化後的再發展脈絡,並探討在此變遷歷程中所衍生的環境議題;同時,析論二重疏洪道的界線意涵,以及人與自然關係之演進。 在二重疏洪道尚未築起之前,農業地景下,人們實質生活在這片土地上所劃出來的界線,包括:田梗、聚落、溪流、灌溉溝渠,代表的是人跟土地組織起來的方式,是農民安居樂業的領域;二重疏洪道的興建,象徵國家力量的進入,政府決策以「防洪」為主要論述,以堤防劃設了新的現代性邊界,也定義了「核心」與「邊陲」,在國家政策主導的過程當中,進一步導致二重疏洪道地區的環境退化與邊緣化。原有舊的邊界隨著舊地景抹去重寫,新舊邊界重疊交錯,但銘刻於舊居民身體記憶裡的地理界線仍舊存在,新地景無法覆蓋其對舊地景的記憶,高大的水泥堤防也不足以切斷其與堤防另一端的連結。然而,時隔30年後的今日,年輕一輩在生活上和記憶上的連結均已斷裂,舊的邊界也將逐漸被新邊界所取代。 而隨著政府論述由「防洪」的「劃界」策略轉為「親水」的「跨界」策略。居民與河岸的關係產生了改變,「大臺北都會公園」也成為空間競逐的場域,並衍生相關環境議題。近年來,在新北市政府的宜居發展論述之下,堤內、堤外大規模的地景改造,展現了政府及地產開發商對此地區的宜居想像,亦呈顯了地區繁榮的可能性,然而,在地居民卻仍有深刻的「邊陲之感」。由此可見,「看得見」的地理界線—堤防,雖阻隔了區域發展,也阻隔人與自然親近的機會,透過橋樑、越堤道等設施,尚容易跨越;但存在於居民身體記憶裡那道「看不見」的地理界線—邊陲之感,卻不見得能夠透過地景改造而消弭。Urban waterfront has become an important location in the process of urban redevelopment when post-industrial cities face the impact of Globalization and Urban Competition. And in this context, Erchong Floodway area shows the possibility of transforming the position from “the margin” to “the center.” Political ecology asserts the inseparability of society and nature in the production of landscapes, but also highlights the interaction between different scales. It is helpful for us to conceptualize the transformation of Erchong Floodway area. The study analyzes the relationship between politics, transformations of landscapes, and environmental identities and actions of the residents through the perspective of “environmental subjects and identities” of political ecology. Furthermore, the study clarifies the interactive process of scale by the “chain of explanation.” In this way, the study depicts the historical process of marginalization and the context of redevelopment of Erchong Floodway area, and then analyzes the possibilities and discusses the environmental subjects that occurred in the historical transformations. On the other hand, this paper also seeks to define the spatial meaning of the boundary line delimited by Erchong Floodway, and to explore the relationship between human and nature. Before Erchong Floodway built, under the agricultural landscape, the boundary drew by people represented the way the people connected with land, including the ridges of field, villages, streams, ditches. When the power of the state come into this place, the dikes designated a new modern border, and drew a line between “the center” and “the margin.” Meanwhile, this area has been led to environmental degradation and marginalization as a result of efforts by state policies. The original boundaries were rewritten with the landscape transformation, while the old boundaries overlap and stagger with the new one. But the boundaries have been imprinted in the bodies and the memories of the original residents. The new landscape is not able to lay over the original residents’ memories about the old one. And the dikes are not able to cut their links with the other side. However, now, 30 years has passed, the links and memories have broken in the younger generation. And the old boundaries will be replaced by the new boundaries by degrees. Along with the strategy of “border-crossing” took the place of “demarcation.” Relations between residents and the riverbank have changed, and “Taipei Metropolitan Park " has become an open space of spatial competition. Moreover, the interactions between different scales became more frequent, and led to new environmental subjects. In recent years, on the basis of New Taipei City’s new policies of “urban livability,” the extensive landscape transformation of waterfront revealed the livable imagination of the authorities and the property developers. It seems that this region is able to be prosperous. However, the residents still have the perception of “being marginal.” In consequence, although the “visible” geographical boundaries – dikes, block the regional development, they also become a barrier between human and nature, yet we still can cross it easily through bridges, causeways and other facilities. But the “invisible” geographical boundary printed in the mind of the residents – the perception of “being marginal” – is not necessarily able to be eliminated through the landscape transformation.二重疏洪道大臺北都會公園政治生態學環境議題與認同Erchong FloodwayTaipei Metropolitan Parkpolitical ecologyenvironmental subjects and identities看得見與看不見的地理界線-二重疏洪道的政治生態學分析