陳昭珍Chen, Chao-Chen賴盟千Lai, Meng-Chien2022-06-082021-06-152022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d2e27586b81c59a7809e102311a22db5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118302本研究之目的在於瞭解國中輔導教師資訊需求的現況,以及為了滿足資訊需求而引發之資訊尋求行為,並且比較不同背景變項國中輔導教師的資訊需求及資訊尋求行為差異情形。  本研究採用問卷調查法,以109學年度現職公立國中專任輔導教師為研究對象,使用自編問卷「公立國中專任輔導教師資訊需求與資訊尋求行為調查問卷」作為研究工具。以網路問卷於109年11月至12月間進行調查,共計回收225份有效問卷。以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析,獲得研究結果如下:一、國中輔導教師在面臨初次接觸之工作任務時最容易引發輔導相關資訊需求。二、國中輔導教師對合作領域的資訊內容需求高。三、年資淺之輔導教師常因好奇心或個人興趣而引發輔導相關資訊需求。四、年輕輔導教師在面對不熟悉的工作任務容易引發資訊需求。五、修畢輔導第二專長學分班之輔導教師對輔導諮商理論、流程架構有更高的資訊需求。六、國中輔導教師傾向用網路為媒介獲取輔導資訊,特別是搜尋引擎及網路社群平台與社群軟體。七、國中輔導教師尋求輔導資訊時,重視資料的品質與可得性。八、年輕輔導教師傾向使用人際管道獲取所需資訊,尤其是就近詢問校內有輔導專業的同事。  最後依據研究發現與結果提出建議,以作為未來學術研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to understand the current situation of junior high school guidance counselors’ information needs and information seeking behaviors and to make a comparison of the differences between these school guidance counselors with various backgraounds.The internet questionnaire survey was adopted as the research method in this study. The population were the junior high school guidance counselors of 109 school year. “The Questionnaire of the Junior High School Guidance Counselors’ Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors” was conducted as the key resource for this study. The data was collected from Nov. to Dec.2020, and 225 questionnaires were retrieved. The data was analyzed by t-test, one way ANOVA. The major results were as below:1. The reason of information needs is facing the task of first contact.2. The subject of information needs is about cooperation field.3. Less experienced junior high school guidance counselors often trigger information needs of counseling due to curiosity or personal interest.4. Younger junior high school guidance counselors often trigger information needs of counseling due to facing an unfamiliar task.5. The junior high school guidance counselors who completed counseling as second specialty training program need more information needs of counseling theory and process structure.6.The main source of information is internet, especially search engine and social media platform.7. The factors affecting information seeking behavior are data quality and availability.8. Younger junior high school guidance counselors often use interpersonal channels to obtain information, especially ask colleagues who had counseling profession.  Eventually, proposing relative suggestions to the result of study and providing future directions of researching.資訊需求資訊尋求行為國中輔導教師專任輔導教師information needsinformation seeking behaviorsjunior high school guidance counselor國中輔導教師之資訊需求與資訊尋求行為探討The Study on Information Needs and Information Seeking Behaviors of Junior High School Guidance Counselors學術論文