張俊彥Chang, Chun-Yen阮越海Nguyen Viet Hai2022-06-082024-10-032022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8a90a2cb7ae8c65dd7a0a12d2b1e6beb/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117002noneSharing experience and collaborating among countries to improve science education are important. Science education worldwide has been shifting towards using scientific and engineering practices (SEP) as the background for science educational goals and pedagogical methods. Current literature provides several curriculum analysis frameworks based on taxonomies of cognitive demands or international tests. Still, those frameworks are either not intended for science curricula or limited in indicators and hence failed to capture a big picture of science curricula with rich details. This study utilizes SEP to analyze and compare learning performances in Taiwan's and Vietnam's national intended science curricula. Multiple case study research design and content analysis method are employed. The results present an overall snapshot of SEP in both curricula and a close look at each SEP and its components. Discussions on the appearance and the lack of SEPs and suggestions to improve the curricula under the perspectives of SEP would be helpful for researchers, curriculum developers, and teachers.nonescience curriculum studiesscientific and engineering practicescomparison studiescurriculum content analysisScientific and Engineering Practices in Taiwan's and Vietnam's National Science CurriculaScientific and Engineering Practices in Taiwan's and Vietnam's National Science Curricula學術論文