陳惠玉李偉Hui-Yu Chen, Wei Lee2014-10-272014-10-272003-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17409本論文旨在探討多壁碳奈管在紫外、可見光、近紅外光區的吸收光譜;藉由多種化學溶劑與基質分離技術,我們對碳奈管懸浮液與摻雜碳奈管玻璃進行光譜量測,以觀察多壁碳奈管在不同環境的吸收特性。實驗結果顯示:碳奈管因溶劑效應所造成的近紅外吸收波長略有不同,但其位置與半導體性單壁碳奈管相近;而在基質分離樣品中,我們成功地量得多壁碳奈管在可見光區的吸收帶,其波長位置與金屬性單壁碳奈管相近。This paper summarizes our investigation of the absorption spectra of multiwall carbon nanotubes in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions. We took measurements of various carbon-nanotube suspensions and nanotube-doped glass in order to observe the absorptive characteristics of multiwall carbon nanotubes in distinct environments. Experimental results indicate that the near-infrared absorption features, due to the solvent effects, appear at different wavelengths to resemble those of semiconducting singlewall carbon nanotubes, and that the matrix-isolated sample displays a visible absorption band at a wavelength characterized by metallic singlewall carbon nanotubes.碳奈管基質分離吸收光譜Carbon nanotubeMatrix isolationAbsorption spectrum多壁碳奈管在溶劑與玻璃中的吸收光譜Absorption Spectra of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Dispersed in Solvents and Glass