洪久賢博士Horng Jeou-Shyan劉芳綺Liu Fang-Chi2019-08-282009-8-192019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693060239%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86967餐飲業者力求創新以吸引消費者,展現創意理念與創新經營模式之創意餐廳,可以增進經濟活動之附加價值並且拓展新商機。本研究旨在確認創意餐廳的內涵,建構評估創意餐廳之量表,發展有助於提供創意餐廳規劃與經營之量化工具。本研究透過文獻分析、經濟部生活創意產業之評審項目及創意餐廳之內涵分析研究(Horng,2006),提出創意餐廳評估量表初稿。量表以創意主題概念、品牌命名與設計、氣氛營造、餐廳實體設備與裝潢佈置、服務方式、食物特色、菜單設計、周邊商品、行銷推廣等九個構面為縱軸,以CPAM模式為基礎的創意產品語意量表CPSS(Besemer& O’Quinn, 1989)中的3個分量表:新奇性、解決性、及精進與綜合為橫軸,細分為40個評分項目。本研究採問卷調查法,以創意餐廳消費者為受試對象,採立意取樣法,有效樣本192份。運用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行敘述性統計分析、因素分析、差異性檢定。 經本研究分析,確認創意餐廳內涵指標分為五個構面-「特色主題」(Distinguishing Theme)、「新奇食物」(Novel Food Experience)、「可靠品質」(Reliable Quality)、「創意服務」(Creative Service)與「副加價值」(Attached Value),向下有29個指標項目。其中受試者認為「可靠品質」為最重要之因素。創意餐廳消費者因「性別」及「收入」在評量觀點上具有顯著差異。最後,根據研究結果提出對經營者、消費者、餐飲觀光主管機關及未來研究提出建議。The aim of most restaurant owners' nowadays is to provide consumers with an unusual and impressive experience so that they can attract more and more customers and maintain fixed number of customers. "Creative restaurant" shows creative concept and innovated operation, increases the attached value of economical activities and extends new business opportunities. This study confirms the content of creative restaurant and develops a scale of the assessment. According to the interviews, assessment of the “Creative life industry” held by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and “The Study of innovation mechanism for Creative restaurant” (Horng, 2006). Scales use creative concept for restaurant:brand design, atmosphere, physical property and design and layout, service, food and beverage, menu design, merchandise, and marketing as the vertical axis and three branch scales as the horizontal axis, novelty, resolution, elaboration and synthesis, which from the Creative Product Semantic Scale, CPSS (Besemer& O’Quinn, 1989). The scale includes 40 assessment indicators, uses convenient sampling, and 192 samples returned are valid. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis and differential test are used to analyze the data. Extracted 5 factors named “Distinguishing Theme”, “Novel Food Experience”, “Reliable Quality”, “Creative Service”, and “Attached Value”, includes 29 assessment indicators. The factor “Reliable Quality” assessed most important. “Gender” and “Income” have an obvious difference. The end of this study:Provide the suggestion to restaurant operators, consumers, and the administration and future studies.創意創意餐廳指標創意餐廳餐廳規劃餐飲管理creativecreative restaurant indicatorcreative restaurantrestaurant planninghospitality management評估創意餐廳內涵指標之研究The Study on Assessment Indicators for Creative Restaurants