張永達博士Dr.Yung-Ta Chang陳明鈺Ming-Yu Chen2019-09-052007-6-282019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694430247%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104173本研究以「雙重情境學習模式」為基礎,發展循環系統概念改變教學。探討雙重情境學習模式與傳統講述教學在循環系統概念診斷測驗之差異。同時進行半結構式晤談並結合概念改變教學歷程事件分析,以深入瞭解學生循環系統概念的建構與改變情形。研究採用準實驗研究法,研究對象為六班國中一年級學生,分別為三班實驗組89人,以雙重情境學習模式教學;三班對照組91人,施以傳統講述教學。 循環系統概念診斷測驗結果顯示:實驗組與對照組概念改變成效與維持度皆良好,然實驗組之概念改變成效與維持度仍顯著優於對照組,且實驗組學生於學習後仍持續進步!概念改變教學歷程事件的分析結果為各單元概念建構成功的比例約為50%~90%。半結構式晤談則為:實驗組各項之「正確概念分數」大於對照組,且所有問題的「正確概念分數」在後測均大於前測,延宕測均大於後測,表示實驗組學生在教學後,都能成功達到概念改變並持續進行概念轉移,且效果優於對照組。 依本研究結果,對未來教師教學、師資培育、教科書編寫及研究方向提出建議。Based on the theories of Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM), this research is primed on modifying the introduction methods of “human circulatory system” for junior high school students. The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference between DSLM and conventional methods through the Biology Concept Diagnostic Instrument (BCDI). In addition, the experimental group’s conceptual change was analyzed from the data collected in the process of learning events as well as in the pre-, post- and retention semi-structured interviews. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. Six seventh-grade classes were recruited, 3 classes (a total of 89 students) served as the experimental group under the DSLM system, the remaining 3 classes (a total of 91 students) served as the control group under the conventional system. The results from the analysis of the Biology Concept Diagnostic Instrument indicated that both groups experienced a successful conceptual change and improvement after the learning events. However, the effects of the experimental group were significantly better. They also showed continuous progress afterwards. Moreover, from the analysis of the conceptual change learning events indicated that the average rate of successful conceptual change ranged from 50 to 90 percent for most of the events. Finally, from the analysis of the semi-structured interviews indicated that the experimental group students had significant improvements in the scores of correct conceptions in most questions. Besides, the scores of correct conceptions of the experimental group were best in the retention-interview, followed by post-interview, then pre-interview. Hence, this highly suggested that experimental group students could achieve a successful conceptual change after undergoing education. Furthermore, it was expected that they will improve continuously. Suggestions to future teaching methods, teacher education, textbook editing, and research plans were also presented according to this study results.循環系統雙重情境學習模式概念改變human circulatory systemDual Situated Learning Modelconceptual change國中生循環系統概念改變之研究-雙重情境學習模式(DSLM)的影響The Research on the Conceptual Change of Human Circulatory System in Junior Students:the Effects with Dual Situated Learning Model