國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所曾元顯張俊彥任宗浩2014-12-022014-12-022013-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42739本計畫旨於結合專家(教科書)及大眾(日常新聞)觀點,重新檢視我國國民與學生所需之大眾科學素養。為此目的,本計畫開發一系列更為貼近日常生活情境之量表工具,根據九年一貫自然與生活科技教科書末索引的重要科學名詞,以電腦比對新聞中出現頻率較高之科學詞彙,篩選出重要科學主要詞彙及伴隨詞彙,輔以科學新聞所關注之內容,來研發量表試題,用以評測我國學生之大眾科學素養。以此為基石,期能呈現現今學生之表現與不足之處,提供未來科學教育課程政策發展之參考。This project aims at combining the viewpoints of experts (based on textbooks) and the public (based on daily news) in the hope to re-examine the required public scientific literacy of our nationals and students. For this purpose, this project would develop a set of instruments that are closer to everyday life situations. Based on the index terms from science textbooks of junior high school, the scientific terms and their co-occurring terms are extracted from news articles to help develop instruments to assess the Scientific Literacy in Media of our students. We hope that the results could be useful for future course development in science education.大眾科學素養媒體與科學scientific literacymedia and science以教材及媒體內容探勘為基礎的大眾科學素養評測之研究