張瓊文鍾志從Chiung-Wen ChangJyh-Tsorng Jong2019-08-122019-08-122016-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80621本研究旨在瞭解幼兒對人性哲學觀的人際知覺狀況,以及此人際知覺和其同儕社會地位之間的關聯,並探討性別、年齡不同,幼兒對人性的人際知覺是否不同;性別、年齡不同,幼兒的同儕社會地位是否不同。以407位來自臺北市、新北市公、私立幼兒園的滿四歲及滿五歲幼兒爲對象,他們參與了自編的「對人性的人際知覺測驗」以及「照片式社會計量法」。結果發現:一、幼兒對人性的人際知覺現況傾向「人性可信」、「人性公平」、「人性獨立」以及「人性外控」;二、幼兒對人性的人際知覺中的「利他」與同儕社會地位有顯著關聯:受歡迎的幼兒表現公平者最多,而被拒絕的幼兒則是以利己最多。三、幼兒對人性的人際知覺中的「利他」有年齡差異,五歲組表現公平者最多、四歲組則是利己者多。四、受試幼兒的同儕社會地位有性別差異,受歡迎的幼兒女生比男生多,而被同儕拒絕的幼兒則是男生比女生多。This study was to understand the association between young children's interpersonal perception in the philosophy of human nature and their social status, as well as the differences of gender and age between interpersonal perception in the philosophy of human nature of young children and their social status, respectively. The 407 participants who were 4 or 5 years old came from public and private preschools in Taipei City as well as New Taipei City. By using "Interpersonal Perception in the Philosophy of Human Nature Tasks" and "Picture Sociometric Technique" during one-to-one interview, the results showed as follows: First, the participants' interpersonal perception in the Philosophy of Human Nature currently were trustful in the task of trustworthiness, fair in the task of altruism, independent in the task of independence, and external control in the task of strength of will and rationality. Second, young children's interpersonal perception of altruism is associated with their social status. If young children were more popular in social status, they perceived more fairness. In contrary, those rejected by peers perceived more selfishness. Third, young children's age was strongly related to their interpersonal perception of altruism. Five-year-olds showed more fair than four-year-olds, however, four-year-olds represented more selfish than five-year-olds. Fourth, there was significant association between gender and social status. Girls were more popular than boys, and boys were more being rejected than girls.人性的人際知覺幼兒幼兒對人性的人際知覺測驗同儕社會地位interpersonal perception in the philosophy of human natureinterpersonal perception in the philosophy of human nature taskssocial statusyoung children幼兒對人性的人際知覺與其同儕社會地位的關聯The Association of Young Children's Interpersonal Perception in the Philosophy of Human Nature and Social Status