黃乃熒Whang, Nai-Ying劉姿君Liu, Tzu-Chun2019-08-282017-12-312019-08-282016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0896000161%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89686 本研究旨在探討大臺北地區國小分布式領導、開放權力對教育成效之影響。具體目的在了解目前國小分布式領導、開放權力、教育成效的實際現況;分析不同背景變項在國小分布式領導、開放權力、教育成效的差異情形;探討國小分布式領導、開放權力、教育成效的相關情形;確認國小分布式領導對開放權力、教育成效的預測情形;評估國小分布式領導對教育成效影響的結構方程模式。 為達上述目的,本研究採取調查研究法,以大臺北地區公立國小校長、教師為研究對象。研究工具為研究者自編之「國民小學實施分布式領導調查問卷」。採分層隨機抽樣方法,計抽取樣本學校76 所,共發出正式問卷1230 份,共回收1089 份,可用問卷1069 份,正式問卷回收率為88.53%,回收問卷可用率為86.91%。 本研究分別以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸及結構方程模式分析資料,並且進行各項假設之探討與驗證。本研究之結論歸整如下: 一、學校人員具有共享願景與專業自主,有利實施分布式領導。 二、學校人員能自我省察與關懷他人,可以落實開放權力。 三、男性、研究所學歷、擔任校長或主任、服務年資25年以上者,對國小實施分布式領導之知覺較高。 四、分布式領導、開放權力、教育成效具有中度和高度的顯著正向相關。 五、開放權力愈受到認同,愈能自我省察,分布式領導落實程度愈高。 六、實施分布式領導能有效促進開放權力,真誠合作為最重要的影響因素。 七、實施分布式領導能有效促進教育成效,願景共享為最重要的影響因素。 八、分布式領導能促進教師教學,透過開放權力可以再提升其影響力。 九、分布式領導經由開放權力、教師教學,可以有效促進學生學習。 依據本研究之主要發現與結論,針對學校經營、教育主管機關及未來研究提出建議以供參考。The purpose of this study is to explore how the three variables, distributed leadership, open power and educational effectiveness, affect the different primary school educators. Therefore, this paper considers the important topics about analyzing the differences of the educator’s perceptions of the three variables and discussing the correlation among each other. Furthermore, it conducted the empirical test of structural equation model(SEM) on the assessment of the effect of the three variables. To address the study, the author constructed the Primary Schools Distributed Leadership Questionnaire and applied a survey of the principals and teachers of public primary schools in the greater Taipei area. The study sent out 1,230 questionnaires in 76 schools by stratified random sampling and had 1,089 questionnaires returned with only twenty of them not usable. It achieved a return rate of questionnaires at 88.53% and a return rate of usable questionnaires at 86.91%. The study applied several statistical methods including descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson product-moment correlation analysis, multiple stepwise regression and SEM to draw the conclusions as follows: 1.School personnel sharing vision and professional autonomy will strengthen implementation distributed leadership. 2.School personnel who are self-examination and care others can implement open power. 3.The male, institute qualifications, duties as principal and director, career-service period over 25 years experienced possess distributed leadership significantly higher than others. 4.There are significant positive medium and high correlations among distributed leadership, open power and educational effectiveness. 5.The more the open power to be recognized, the more the self-examination to be, it is possible to implement the distributed leadership wider. 6.Distributed leadership can effectively promote the implementation of the open power. The cooperation of distributed leadership is the most important factor affecting the open power. 7.Distributed leadership can effectively promote the implementation of the educational effectiveness. The shared vision of distributed leadership is the most important influence factor of teaching and learning. 8.Distributed leadership is expected to reinforce teaching performance. It is through the open power to promote the influence more. 9.Distributed leadership can effectively promote learning performance through open power and teaching performance. According to the major findings and conclusions given above, the study proposed recommendations for school management, educational administrative institutions, and future researches.分布式領導開放權力教育成效distributed leadershipopen powereducational effectiveness大臺北地區國民小學分布式領導對教育成效影響之研究A Research on the Effect of Distributed Leadership to the Educational Effectiveness at Primary Schools in the Greater Taipei Area