賴家慶Lai, Jia-Ching方中Fang, Chung2022-06-082021-10-122022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/52743988192a77f88d642e036730c379/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118166本創作暨分析報告以原創阿卡貝拉音樂劇《瓦圖・方塔》之音樂做創作分析與探討。阿卡貝拉有其音樂的魅力和技巧,音樂劇有其敘事方法,筆者結合兩者之特色,嘗試在創作過程中突破阿卡貝拉音樂的技術困難並轉化為優勢,挑戰用純人聲做音樂劇的極限。內文共有四章,第一章主要為創作動機和理念,第二章為劇本及歌曲架構,並詳述音樂搭配劇情和歌詞而創作的旋律、氛圍和層次,第三章是分析每一首歌曲的音樂主題設計用意和編排方法。最後第四章為創作和實際排練的心得與對往後創作者的建議。The research paper examines the author’s participation in the original production of the a cappella musical Watu Fangta, with a focus on the analysis of musical composition.A cappella music features vocal beauty and techniques, while musical theatre stresses storytelling skills. The author combined the best of both elements in an effort to overcome difficulties in the application of a cappella music in musical production, writing a full a cappella musical.This paper comprises four chapters. The first chapter explains the author’s motive for and concept behind musical composition. The second chapter breaks down the book and song structures, and illustrates how each scene and lyrics play a crucial role in the composition of melody, mood setting, and texture. Chapter Three analyzes the motifs, themes and vocal arrangements in each song. In the final chapter, the author shares thoughts on the production and rehearsal process, and offers suggestions for future musical composers.阿卡貝拉音樂劇音樂劇之音樂創作創傷經驗從眾行為a cappella musical playcompositiontraumatic experienceconformity阿卡貝拉音樂劇《瓦圖・方塔》之音樂創作暨分析報告A Musical Analysis of Wantu Fangta, an Original A Cappella Musical in Chinese作品連同書面報告(藝術類)