廖鳳瑞柯亭安2019-08-282017-7-272019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060006021E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86894 本研究根據Schein(2010)的組織文化觀點探討一所私立幼兒園(甲園)的組織文化內涵。根據Schein(2010)的觀點,組織文化為組織在面臨內部整合、與外部適應問題時,成員如何解決問題的共同學習歷程;本研究之研究問題因此為:甲園面臨的內部及外部問題為何、其調適的學習歷程為何。本研究透過觀察、訪談、文件蒐集等方式進行研究。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、 現任C園長甫接手甲園時用真誠的態度、主動照顧老師等之舉,建立雙方信任關係。同時她看見教師專業能力不足的問題,運用各種方式培養教師能力,包括教學能力、口語表達與臨場反應能力、以及敏感度。當教師專業能力與日俱增,園長漸進式地授權給老師,給予每位老師輪流領導的機會。 二、 甲園教師在同事的領導下亦能順利運作,形成良善的團隊合作模式,其主要原因有二:(一)透過討論建立共同目標-課程轉型;(二)傾聽彼此聲音、溝而能通。甲園的團隊凝聚力來自於:有困難時能相互扶持、彼此激勵,多鼓勵少責備。 三、 甲園的團隊精神為雁行文化,其核心價值為團隊合作、激勵同伴、互相扶持、輪流領導。而其雁行文化的基本深層假定推敲為:(一)在空間的本質上,甲園的空間安排呈現出園長與教師權力對等,呼應輪流領導的授權概念。(二)在人性的本質上,甲園強調團隊成員彼此激勵,管理者認為成員需要的是接受挑戰、不斷地學習,這樣的假設較偏向人性本善的一端,認為人性是具有潛力、與可塑性的。(三)在人類關係的本質上,甲園園長及教師認為人類是合作的本質時,在人與人的關係之假定上,強調團體如何集力完成一件事。 四、 甲園在組織文化形成的過程中,C園長扮演重要的角色,呼應Schein(2010)對於領導人之於組織的觀點,亦即當團體遇見問題時,創辦人或領導人所提供的問題解決方案,背後隱藏的即是他們的看法、價值觀與基本假定。This study aimed to understand organizational culture of a private kindergarten. Based on Schein’s (2010) theory of organizational culture and leadership, the organizational culture means a pattern of shared basic assumptions learned by a group as it solved its problems of external adaption and internal integration. Therefore, following are questions of this study: what are the problems of external adaption and internal integration in this case? What are the shared basic assumptions learned by the group members in this case? The data were gathered through observation, interview, and document collection. The main results are as the following: 1. At first the director established mutual trust between herself and teachers, and then she cultivates their professional abilities. Finally, the director empowers gradually to every teacher. 2. By discussing to have common goals and listening to each other’s voices, the group works well. Besides, when anyone has troubles they will give her a hand, by encouraging more than blaming. 3. The team spirit is flying-geese model, which contains core values of teamwork, encouragement, supporting each other, and everyone can be a leader. There are three basic assumptions in this study: (1) Assumptions about the nature of space were to believe that the arrangement of space in the directors and teachers can be reflected the reality of empowerment. (2) Assumptions about the nature of human considered that individual was active, potential, and creative. (3) Assumptions about the nature of human relationships were teamwork. 4. The leadership of the director is an important factor in the forming process of organizational culture. Based on Schein’s(2010) theory, when an organization facing some problems, leaders provides their own solving ways, which usually contains their own opinions, values and underlying assumptions.幼兒教育組織文化雁行理論園長領導質性研究Early Childhood EducationOrganizational CultureFlying-geese ModelLeadershipQualitative Research一位園長形塑雁行文化之領導的歷程研究A Preschool Director’s Leadership in Creating Organizational Culture