歐陽穎華Ou Yang, Ying-Hua葉乃馨Yeh, Nai-Shin2023-12-082022-09-202023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0f6aa5c8bbd6bae3bd3579197c0134a0/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121780隨著網路的發展,各式各樣的社群媒體日趨蓬勃,成為大眾生活中的一部分,也應運而生了網路意見領袖。許多公司、品牌窺見意見領袖在社群媒體上的影響力,因此紛紛與他們進行商業合作,以求更多的曝光率與銷售量,藝文產業也不例外。近年來有許多藝文團體除了透過意見領袖為演出節目進行口碑宣傳,有些更進一步邀請意見領袖參與演出。本研究為個案研究,以五口創意工作室為例,五口創意工作室在與意見領袖的合作上擁有豐富的經驗,此外也為臺灣首次將網路意見領袖融入音樂劇的藝文團體,並且獲得亮眼的票房成績。本研究聚焦於五口創意工作室與意見領袖合作對於行銷策略的影響,透過探討其行銷策略,了解引起觀眾注意與影響消費體驗的方式。本研究結論發現,在五口創意工作室既有的行銷策略上,與意見領袖合作可以改善、增強行銷效果;行銷策略中運用了體驗行銷,意見領袖是其中一項體驗媒介;整體而言與意見領袖合作能為藝文團體、觀眾、社會氛圍帶來正面影響,但仍受限於合作對象的屬性,也須負擔額外的成本;然而與意見領袖合作能創造短期效果,不過是否能帶來長期效益尚未有定論。本研究從藝文行銷公司的角度出發,期望藉由他們的實戰經歷作為藝文團體與藝文行銷工作者在行銷策略上的參考。With the development of the Internet, all kinds of social media have become increasingly prosperous and become a part of people's lives, and online opinion leaders have emerged as the times require. Many companies and brands have seen the influence of opinion leaders on social media, so they have entered into business cooperation with them in order to gain more exposure and sales. The arts and culture industry has no exception. In recent years, several arts and culture groups have not only promoted word-of-mouth publicity for their performances through opinion leaders, but some of them have even further invited opinionleaders to participate in the performance. This research is a case study, taking Give Meet Five Ltd. as an example. Give Meet Five Ltd. has rich experience in cooperating with opinion leaders. In addition, it is also the first arts and culture group in Taiwan to integrate opinion leaders into musicals, and it has achieved outstanding box office results. This research focuses on the influence of opinion leaders on marketing strategies. By analyzing its marketing strategies, understand the ways to attract the audience's attention and influence the consumer experience. The conclusion of this study found that in the existing marketing strategy of Give Meet Five Ltd., cooperation with opinion leaders can improve and enhance the marketing effect. Experience marketing is used in the marketing strategy, and opinion leaders are one of the experiential providers. On the whole, cooperation with opinion leaders can have a positive impact on arts and culture groups, audiences, and social atmosphere, but it is still limited by the attributes of the partners and has to bear additional costs. However, cooperation with opinion leaders can create short-term effects, but whether it will bring long-term benefits has not yet been determined. From the perspective of Give Meet Five Ltd. as an arts and culture marketing company, this study hopes to use their actual combat experience as a reference for other arts and culture groups and marketers in their marketing strategies.意見領袖體驗行銷消費者注意行銷策略opinion leadersexperiential marketingconsumer attentionmarketing strategy探討藝文團體與意見領袖合作之行銷策略-以五口創意工作室為例A Study of Marketing Strategy of the Cooperation with Arts and Culture Group and Opinion Leaders-A Case of Give Meet Five Ltd.etd