劉宇挺Liu, Yeu-Ting林芸竹Lin, Yun-Jhu2019-09-032015-08-312019-09-032015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698210724%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97491  近年來,與英文聽力相關的研究大多著重於探討影響聽力的因素,而非增進聽力的方法。本研究旨在探討後設認知教學程序(metacognitive pedagogical sequence)對聽力的介入成效,透過顯性教學,將聽的過程分為五個階段,並引導學習者在聽力過程中運用後設認知聽力策略,例如:在聽前進行「計畫預測 (planning)」、在聽的過程中進行「監控理解 (monitoring)」、在聽後進行「自我評估(evaluating)」,並將不同的後設認知策略融入聽力教學的各階段之中。本研究之假設為:(一)後設認知聽力教學法會提升學習者的後設認知;(二)後設認知聽力教學法會增進學習者的聽力理解;(三)聽力後設認知與聽力理解兩者顯著相關。   本研究以74位新北市高中學生為研究對象,以38位學生為實驗組,接受後設認知聽力訓練;以36人為控制組,其課程依台灣一般英語聽力教學方式──聆聽並回答聽力理解問題──進行八週的實驗教學。   實驗教學分為三大階段:前測、介入、後測。在前、後測階段,研究者採用後設認知聽力問卷(Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire)來測量學生的聽力後設認知量,並以全民英檢 (General English Proficiency Test)中級聽力測驗來測量學生聽力理解成績,最後再以皮爾森相關 (Pearson correlation)來探討學生之聽力後設認知量與其英檢聽力成績的關係。   本研究主要有三項發現:(一)雖然實驗組學生的聽力後設認知量並沒有顯著增加,但他們的聽力成績有顯著進步,大部分進步的分數來自於全民英檢聽力測驗第三大題「簡短對話」(Short Dialogue);(二)與程度較好的學生相比,程度較差的學生在聽力表現上進步幅度較大;(三)學生的聽力後設認知量與聽力表現有顯著正相關,而後設認知量可以預測約12%的全民英檢聽力成績。   本研究證實了後設認知聽力教學法對英語為外語(EFL)學習者的正面效果,以及後設認知與聽力表現的顯著關聯。雖因研究時間上的限制,無法以此教學法讓學生的聽力後設認知在短時間內能有顯著進步,但這8週的實驗仍能提升學生的聽力表現,也證明了此一著重過程 (process-based)的後設認知聽力教學法的成效。最後,本研究也提供了將此教學法運用在聽力課堂的可行方式,並對未來相關主題的研究提出建言。So far, most studies on listening have drawn attention on the factors affecting listening instead of approaches facilitating listening. Therefore, the researcher proposed a potential way of teaching listening─ implementing a metacognitive pedagogical cycle in language classrooms. Engaged in a five-staged listening process, learners were guided by explicit instruction on metacognitive strategies such as planning, monitoring, and evaluating. It was hypothesized that learners may have significant increase in listening comprehension as well as metacognitive awareness and that the two may correlate significantly with each other. Conducted in an EFL context, the present study recruited 74 high school students in New Taipei City in the 8-week treatment. The students were assigned to either experimental group (N=38) or control group (N=36). In each listening section, the former experienced the abovementioned metacognitive approach while the latter followed the conventional approach─ listen and answer comprehension questions. The present study has a pre- and post- test design, assessing learners’ metacognitive awareness and listening comprehension by Metacognitive Awareness Listening Questionnaire (MALQ) and the listening section of intermediate level General English Proficiency Test (GEPT). Also, Pearson Correlation was performed to explore the correlation between MALQ and GEPT. Results of the present findings suggest that although learners in the experimental group had no significant progress in metacognitive awareness, they had significant gain in listening comprehension. The significant gain of the experimental group chiefly stemmed from progress in the Short Dialogue section of GEPT. Moreover, in terms of listening comprehension, the less proficient learners made more significant progress than the more proficient ones. Lastly, metacognitive awareness correlated positively and significantly with listening comprehension, accounted for up to 12% of listening performance. To sum up, results of the present study validated the positive effect of metacognitive approach on EFL learners’ listening comprehension. In addition, the present study also confirmed the hypothesis that the higher metacognitive awareness a learner has, the better listening comprehension s/he achieves. However, due to the lack of time for treatment, there was no significant difference in learners’ metacognitive awareness. Finally, the study concluded with a discussion on the potential use of the metacognitive, process-based approach in teaching listening, providing implications and suggestions for future research.顯性教學後設認知聽力理解explicit instructionmetacognitionlistening comprehension顯性教學對英語學習者後設認知與聽力理解的效果The Efficacy of Explicit Instruction on Enhancing Metacognition and Listening Comprehension of EFL Learners