張少熙Chang, Shao-Hsi楊博軒Yeung, Pok-Hin2022-06-082021-09-232022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b90ccbd0225e3d6007832cdc4c18c291/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117763背景:虛擬實境運動為新一代科技運動工具,且過往已有許多研究發現高齡族群使用虛擬實境產品進行休閒與運動,運動課程可給予高齡者使用,並具備足夠的可行性與安全性。然而,目前相關研究探討高齡者參與虛擬實境運動與心理健康影響之成果則頗為鮮少。方法:本研究招募居住於臺北市地區,且年齡達65歲以上之高齡者 (年齡72.16 ± 4.9歲),研究對象分為兩組,實驗組進行每週2次,每次75-80分鐘,共12週之虛擬實境運動課程,對照組則無進行介入,兩組同樣於前測與後測填寫幸福感與生活滿意度之問卷,瞭解介入後的心理健康效益。結果:經虛擬實境運動課程介入後,實驗組高齡者之幸福感與生活滿意度顯著優於前測,而對照組在生活滿意度構面也有顯著之情形;此外,進一步分析發現整體參與者總體休閒時間身體活動越多,及步行時間越多,可正向預測其幸福感與生活滿意度,但在中高強度身體活動則無相關發現。結論:(一)虛擬實境運動可有效提升高齡者主觀的心理幸福感與生活滿意度狀態,期盼科技運動產品可持續應用於高齡者族群改善心理健康,達到智慧老化之效益。(二)同時建議高齡者亦可從事充足的休閒時間身體活動與步行 (≥150分鐘/週),以維持良好的心理健康狀態。Background: Virtual reality (VR) exercise becomes a new generation sports instrument in technology. Several previous studies have shown that VR instrument could provide leisure exercise for the elderly with adequate feasibility and safety, but the aspect of influence in the mental health of VR exercise applications have not been investigated sufficiently.Methods: The study recruited the elderly who are living in Taipei and aged above 65 years old (mean age 72.16 ± 4.9 years). Participants were divided into 2 groups: 1) VR exercise group, a total of 12 weeks VR exercise program, twice a week, each session about 75 to 80 minutes; 2) Control group, without VR exercise intervention. Two groups were required to finish a questionnaire, at pre-VR exercise program and post-VR exercise program, for evaluating the well-being and life satisfaction for comparison between pre-VR exercise program and post-VR exercise program.Results: After the VR exercise program intervened, VR exercise group participants reported a significant improvement in a few aspects, while the control group reported a similar trend on the whole aspect of life satisfaction. In addition, when participants had more total volume leisure time of physical activity and walking in the leisure period, well-being and life satisfaction could be predictable. However, there was no significant related finding in moderate to vigorous physical activity.Conclusion: 1) VR exercise could effectively improve well-being and life satisfaction for the elderly. It is encouraged that these related technology products can apply continuously for improving the mental health of the elderly. 2) It is highly recommended that the elderly should maintain at least 150 minutes per week to have adequate physical activity and gaiting in leisure, which leads to a good mental health condition.銀髮族虛擬實境運動介入休閒活動主觀幸福感生活滿意elderlyvirtual reality exerciseleisure exercisesubject well beinglife Satisfaction高齡者參與虛擬實境運動對幸福感與生活滿意度之影響Research on the Influence of Participation in Virtual Reality Exercise on Well-being and Life Satisfaction for Elderly學術論文