林靜萍陳信欽2019-09-052007-2-12019-09-052006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692300101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105543本研究將兩性教育議題融入建構取向籃球遊戲教學,探討教學過程中男女學生互動情形以及教學後學生學習態度的轉變情形並探究課程實施之成效。本研究採立意取樣方式,以台北市幸福國小五年級平等班(男生16位,女生14位,共30位學生)為研究對象,採行動研究方式,在教學實驗過程中,以參與觀察法和訪談法並透過影帶紀錄蒐集學生在籃球遊戲比賽及意見討論過程資料,將所獲取的資料,採持續比較法進行內容分析歸納,獲致以下的結論: 一、性別平等教育融入建構取向籃球遊戲教學能夠增進男女生的互動、對異 性的了解,找出溝通協調解決衝突的方式。 二、建構取向籃球遊戲教學能夠提升學生的學習態度,增加女生運動參與, 增進學生運動技能。 三、學生在遊戲/比賽及意見論辯過程中學會獨立思考,做成決定,不受性 別的影響。 四、學生在遊戲/比賽及意見論辯過程中學會兩性共同合作以解決問題。 五、學生藉由遊戲/比賽及意見論辯過程中,可以了解到不同性別對團隊的 貢獻。 六、從建構取向籃球遊戲課程實施過程中發現,男女生能夠團隊合作,積極 參與活動。The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction between male and female students during the process of constructive approach basketball game activities with gender education, the transformation of students’ attitude towards PE, and the results of throughout the curriculum. Action research was introduced in this study. A class of fifth grade students (16 males, 14 females) of Xin-Fu Elementary School in Taipei city was selected for the experiment. In the process of this study, information was gathered by participating observation, interview, and video taping during the basketball games play, debate and discussion. The findings of this study were as follows: 1.An integrated constructivist approach of basketball game play learning with gender equality education could improve the interaction between boys and girls, make understanding of each other, and allow students with different genders negotiating for their conflict problem solving. 2.An integrated constructivist approach of basketball game play learning could improve students’ learning attitudes, and female students’ interest in learning, and improve the participation in sports. 3.In the process of the basketball game play learning and debate of idea set-up, students had learned how to do critical thinking and decision making without gender factors. 4.Both male and female students had learned to be cooperative and solved problems occurred during the game plays and debate of idea set-up. 5. In the process of the basketball game play learning and debate of idea set-up, students were able to understand that different gender members could make different contribution to their teams. 6.The result concerning the implementation of the integrated constructivist approach learning program showed that both male and female students could not only cooperate with each other but also participate the activities positively. Key words: constructivism, basketball learning, gender equity education, interaction between male and female students, learning attitude建構取向籃球遊戲性別平等教育男女生互動情形學習態度性別平等教育融入建構取向籃球遊戲教學之研究The Study of the Constructivist Approach to Teaching Basketball Game Play with Gender Equity Education