葉國樑鍾惠如Chung Hui-Ju2019-08-282007-1-232019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593051018%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87731本研究主要目的在瞭解嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員工作滿意度、角色期望及角色踐行的現況,探討人口學變項與工作滿意度、角色期望及角色踐行的相互關係。以自編問卷進行調查研究,所得資料經分析,主要結果如下: 一、嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員的工作滿意度約處於「中立意見」到「滿意」之間,偏於「中立意見」。且隨人口學資料不同而有所差異。另外,得知工作滿意度得分最高的前三題依序為:『與登革熱防治工作同仁的工作效率』、『與登革熱防治工作同仁的相處情形』、『衛生局主管對登革熱防治人員的支持情形』。 二、嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員的角色期望情形處於「不符合」到「中立意見」之間,偏於「中立意見」。且隨個人基本背景不同而有所差異。另外由問卷調查得知角色期望得分最高的前三題依序為:『辦理社區登革熱防治衛生教育宣導』、『協助學校辦理登革熱防治衛生教育宣導』、『追蹤登革熱病例的社區疫情』。 三、嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員對登革熱防治工作的角色踐行情形處於「不確定」到「中立意見」之間,偏於「中立意見」。且隨個人基本背景不同而有所差異。另外由問卷調查得知角色踐行得分最高的前三題依序為:『辦理病媒蚊調查』、『辦理滋生源清除工作』、『辦理社區登革熱防治衛生教育宣導』。 四、嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員的工作滿意度、角色期望、角色踐行兩兩之間呈顯著正相關。即是防治人員的工作滿意度越高,角色期望也越高;工作滿意度越高,角色踐行情形也越高;角色期望越高,角色踐行情形也越高。 由受訪者目前從事登革熱防治工作的感想與建議的陳述中,發現:提高民眾防疫知覺、自動自發採取行動,比起被動等待防治人員的家戶宣導,效果一定會更好而且會做的更徹底。The purposes of this study were to understand the job satisfaction, role expectation and role performance of the members of Dengue Fever Prevention Program in Chiayi City and County. The study was also to explore the differences between demographic variances and the job satisfaction, role expectation, and role performance. It still dealt with interrelationship among job satisfaction, role expectation, and role performance. The study was conducted by questionnaires to collect, and to analyze the data from Health Services personnel. The major findings were as follows: 1. The range of personnel’s job satisfaction was between neutral and satisfactory. Besides, the study indicated that the top three grades of job satisfaction were the efficiency, the team spirit of Dengue Fever Protection co-workers, and the support from their Section Chief. 2. The range of personnel’s role expectation was between unexpected and neutral. Besides, the study indicated that the top three grades were the widespread education and promotion of Dengue Fever prevention in (1) communities (2) schools and (3) keeping track of local Dengue fever cases. 3. The range of personnel’s role performance was between uncertain and neutral. Besides, the survey indicated that the top three grades of role performance were (1) the survey media mosquitoes (2) sweeping-out of breeding beds (3) widespread education and promotion of Dengue Fever prevention and hygiene in communities. 4. The study showed the significantly positive correlations among job satisfaction, role expectation, and role performance. According to the viewpoints and suggestions from Health Services Personnel, the major findings were summarized as follows: (1) Enhancing the public awareness of epidemic prevention. (2) Taking the initiative, rather than be passive, in implementing the door-to-door epidemic prevention, which will lead to a thorough and much better effect.登革熱工作滿意度角色期望角色踐行衛生所Dengue Feverjob jatisfactionrole expectationrole performanceHealth Station嘉義縣市衛生所登革熱防治人員工作滿意度、角色期望及角色踐行之研究The Study on the Job Satisfaction, Role Expectation and Role Performance for Personnel of Dengue Fever Prevention Program in Chiayi City and County Health Services