廖美玲2014-10-272014-10-272007-04-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12228本研究探討以學科領域為本的英語教學培養國中學生批判性思考能力的可行性及成效。許多學者都肯定語言發展與思考能力的相關性。近年來英語為第二語言及英語為外語的學者及教師紛紛提出學習語言時應同時學習高階思考能力的看法。有些學者試驗性的在其教學中使用不同的方法,希望能在教導學生英語的同時,提昇學生的批判性思考能力。在數個被實驗過或推薦的方法中學科領域為本的英語教學似乎最具潛力,然而其成效仍有待足夠的研究結果印證。本計畫即以國中學生為研究對象,接受學科領域為本的英語教學及從事批判性思考活動,再以問卷、批判性思考測驗、英語測驗成績、課室觀察、訪談、學生作品分析等質與量兼具的資料蒐集及分析後,本研究結果發現學生的批判性思考測驗成績雖無統計上的顯著改變但在課堂表現及作業上都呈現高度的批判性思考能力。在英語成績方面也有顯著成長。學生的問卷結果也顯示學生對以學科領域為本的教學相當肯定並認為這種英語學習課程能使他們學會以英語作高階思辨與溝通表達。This paper reports the findings of a study examining the effectiveness of promoting learners' critical thinking skills and EFL skills with a content-based approach. Despite little argument among theorists and educators regarding the interrelatedness between thinking and language development, in the tradition and transition of L2 teaching methodology, the integration of language and thinking has been peripheral. Language as a way of thinking and learning has been more of a pedagogical catchphrase than instructional practice. This study attempts to bridge the gap between theories and instructional practices through the design and implementation of a content-based junior high school EFL syllabus. Two groups of junior high school students participated in the study. A five-unit syllabus, including the subject areas of language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies, was designed and implemented. Data were collected via class assignments, a critical thinking assessment instrument, a questionnaire, and a teacher-constructed language proficiency test. The findings revealed significant gains in the students' English language proficiency test scores. Critical thinking skills and content area knowledge mastery were also found. The questionnaire results show positive responses toward the content-based EFL learning and teaching from the participating students. Based on these findings, instructional suggestions and caveats are provided.以學科為本的英語教學閱讀與寫作批判性思考Content-based instructionCritical thinkingEFLContent-Based Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking Skills in an EFL Context以學科為本的英語閱讀與寫作提昇國中生的批判性思考能力