楊淑蘭易禹君Shu-Lan YangYu-Chun Yi2019-08-122019-08-122016-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81619本研究探討減緩語速取向之整合性教學對一名國中二年級迅吃學生在言語與語言能力之影響。以降低語速策略結合音韻覺識、構音矯正、敘事能力與閱讀訓練,進行 10次教學,每次 35 分鐘。研究發現:個案 (1)語速減緩(從 210 至 200 音節/分鐘);(2)正確聽辨相似音達 80%以上;(3)ㄙ和ㄕ的構音正確率提升(由 80%至 85%;由 60%提升至 75%);(4)閱讀理解進步(正確率由 66.33%至 100%);(5) 語彙清晰度提高(由 86%至 90%);(6)敘事能力和個案的覺察能力提升。This study was to investigate the speech and language abilities of a second-grade student with cluttering after the student underwent a 10-session comprehensive speech-rate reduction intervention in the junior high school. The comprehensive speech-rate reduction intervention combined speech-rate reduction, phonological awareness, articulation correction, narrative and reading practices. Each session was 35 minutes long. The results were that the student decreased his speech rate (from 210 to 200 syllables/minute), improved his phoneme discrimination ability (more than 80% correct rate), increased the percentages of difficult phonemes (from 80% and 60% to 85% and 75%), and improved the ratio of reading comprehension (from 66.33 to 100%), vocabulary intelligibility (from 86% to 90%), narrative ability and self-awareness.迅吃減緩語速學習障礙clutteringspeech-rate reductionlearning disability減緩語速取向之整合性教學對迅吃國中生介入成效之研究A Study on the Comprehensive Speech-Rate Reduction Intervention for a Junior-High-School Student with Cluttering