鄭劍廷Chien, Chiang-Ting王昱翔Wang, Yu-Hsiang2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a079fc42f096254ec9dbe875d169abb2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121353背景及目的:腸躁症(Irritable bowel syndrome, IBS)是一種常見的胃腸道疾病,該疾病可依症狀分為便祕型、腹瀉型、混合型,然而詳細的機轉仍不明瞭。鑒於臨床藥物對於疾病療效有限,本研究採用在先前眾多研究中,對腸胃道疾病有顯著療效的海洋深層水(Deep ocean water, DOW)作為替代性療法,以評估飲用海洋深層水對便祕型腸躁症(Constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome, IBS-C)之療效以及可能機轉。材料與方法:本研究將實驗動物隨機分為四組,對照組(Sham)、誘發組(IBS-C)、誘發+高/低劑量治療組(IBS-C+DOW)。連續管餵實驗動物0°C冰水誘發便祕型腸躁症,依組別給予不同的飲用水,並持續紀錄實驗動物的飲食變化及排便狀況4週。隨後進行動物的活體及離體腸道運輸能力、收縮力測試,並針對與腸胃道運動能力高度關聯之乙醯膽鹼(Acetylcholine,Ach)、5-羥色胺(5-HT)的相關蛋白表現進行定量以了解海洋深層水治療便秘行腸躁症在分子層級的變化。研究發現:本研究發現透過0°C冰水誘發便祕型腸躁症之大鼠,其糞便數量、長度、溼重、乾重、含水量相比對照組,呈現逐週降低的現象,由於各組別動物的體重變化及飲食狀況無顯著差異,因此可排除前述狀況發生變化是由飲食或動物本身狀況異常所導致;在腸胃道的運輸能力及收縮力測試中,誘發組也展現出較差的運輸效率及收縮張力。透過飲用海洋深層水,可有效改善前述狀況,並由分生實驗證實其治療效果與乙醯膽鹼、5-羥色胺相關蛋白之調控有關。研究結論:整體而言,飲用海洋深層水可透過改變乙醯膽鹼、5-羥色胺的相關蛋白表現量,使腸道運動能力提升,並改善便秘型腸躁症的便秘症狀,故本研究證實飲用海洋深層水作為便祕型腸躁症之替代療法,具有極大的潛力。Background & Aim : Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder with subtypes like constipation-predominant (IBS-C), diarrhea-predominant, and mixed type. The pathogenesis is still unclear. As clinical medications have limited effectiveness, this study explores the potential benefits and mechanisms of drinking deep ocean water (DOW) as an alternative therapy for IBS-C, based on its promising results in previous gastrointestinal research. Method : This study randomly divided experimental animals into four groups: Sham, IBS-C, IBS-C with high/low-dose treatment (IBS-C+DOW). The animals were given consecutive gavage of 0°C ice water to induce IBS-C except the animals in the sham group. Different drinking water were pro-vided between groups, and the diet and defecation changes were recorded for four weeks. Subsequently, tests were conducted to evaluate the animals' intestinal transit, contractile functions, and the quantification of relevant proteins associated with gastrointestinal motility, such as acetylcholine (Ach) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) ,to understand the molecular-level changes and therapeutic effects of DOW in the treatment of IBS-C. Results : This study discovered that the IBS-C group showed decreases in fecal quantity, length, wet weight, dry weight, and water content compared to the Sham group. IBS-C group also showed impaired intestinal transit and contractile functions. However, drinking DOW effectively improved these conditions. And the therapeutic effects of drinking DOW were associated with the regulation of proteins related to Ach and 5-HT was confirmed by western blotting. Conclusion : Drinking deep ocean water (DOW) has shown great potential as an alternative therapy for IBS-C. It improves gastrointestinal motility and alleviates constipation symptoms by regulating the expression of proteins associated with Ach and 5-HT.腸腦軸腸躁症便秘型腸躁症海洋深層水5-羥色胺(5-HT)5-羥色胺轉運體(SERT)BGAIBSIBS-Cdeep ocean water (DOW)alternative therapies5-Hydroxytryptamine (5- HT)Serotonin Transporter (SERT)以大鼠模式探討飲用海洋深層水治療便秘型腸躁症之另類療法對症狀改善效果The Effects of Drinking Deep Ocean Wateras an Alternative Therapy forConstipation-Predominant Irritable Bowel Syndromein a Rat Modeletd