林靜萍Lin, Jing-Ping陳秋君Chen, Chiu-Chun2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0698300361%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105078體育表演會是國立臺灣師範大學運動與休閒學院年度的盛會,其乃國內體育表演會之先河,至今有六十餘載的歷史。本研究目的即是以非正式課程、潛在課程及做中學的教育理論為基礎,以質性研究的方式,針對參與學生進行深度訪談,探究體育表演會學生學習經驗之內涵與意義。其結論分析如下:一、體育表演會的價值乃在於做中學的學習經驗。二、體育表演會形塑的潛在意義。三、體育表演會的掌聲謝幕開啟每位學生的人生舞台。四、沒有個人的英雄主義,只有發揮絕佳團隊合作的默契。五、每個角色都扮演表演成功的幕後推手。依據研究結果,提出建議分述如下:一、學生應積極主動參與體育表演會,調整自己的學習心態。二、教師應站在輔導的角色協助學生籌辦,給予學生探索與發現的機會,並明確傳達體育表演會的意義與目標所在。三、各級學校提供各種體育表演的平台,可以讓學生獲得許多自我成長的機會,亦應提供適當的資源協助,使得體育表演會更能順利辦理與傳承。四、學校、學院、系所,甚至每位教師或學生應凝聚共識,以及面臨就業的挑戰下,應思考如何培養學生有利的競爭力。五、舉辦規模可朝向巧而美小而精的方式辦理,在有限的資源與能力下發揮最大的可能性。六、未來可擴大研究對象範圍,針對不同年級之學生、沒有參與之學生或無擔任相關領導者之參與學生,進行其學習經驗之探討,進而對我國體育表演會之學習經驗能有更深一層之認識。七、後續研究可透過參與觀察與記錄,實地了解體育表演會運作的概況與流程,亦可採問卷調查比較不同年級學生之體育表演會的學習經驗,以輔佐訪談之不足,使研究資料更為深入豐富This work conducts a qualitative study, an in-depth interview of the students who have participated in sports shows. The purpose of this study is to explore the connotation and significance of the students’ learning experience in such an event. The drawn conclusions are as follows. First, the value of sports performance is to make the students learn from the experience of the informal curriculum. Second, the road to a successful performance is hard. Third, the applause at the end of sports shows represents new opportunities to each student. Fourth, the idea of personal heroism is false; only a team that possesses effective tacit understanding can organize a successful sports show. Fifth, each participant plays an important role behind every successful performance. On the basis of the findings of the study, the following suggestions are proposed. First, students should take the initiative to participate in sports show performance. Second, teachers should play an assisting role during preparation, leaving students with the opportunity to explore and discover. Third, all levels of schools should provide a variety of sports show platforms, so that students could have many opportunities to grow. Fourth, sports shows are large events where many people should be mobilized. Fifth, the sports show can be held in a crafty yet simple manner, so that the limited resources and capacity can be maximized.體育表演會非正式課程潛在課程做中學學習經驗sports showinformal curriculumhidden curriculumlearning by doinglearning experiences大學體育表演會學習經驗之探討~以國立臺灣師範大學為例The Study of universities from learning experience of sports performance: The case example of National Taiwan Normal University