國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所吳心楷2014-12-022014-12-022014-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42839數位環境中多重表徵的使用之相關研究已發展了數十年,但應用於評量的研究卻相當少見。配合總計劃所研發的模擬為導向線上評量系統,本計畫目的在於探討多重表徵在評量系統中所扮演的角色,研究目的有:(1) 針對探究能力的線上評量系統,發展多重表徵的設計原則;(2) 依據設計原則,發展並效化不同多重表徵組合的測驗(如:不同表徵呈現順序和表徵型態的組合);(3) 探討不同多重表徵組合的測驗,如何影響學生探究能力的表現;(4) 探討個別或合作的情境下,搭配不同多重表徵組合的測驗,學生探究能力的表現為何。為達到以上目的,本計畫將在第一年建立多重表徵的設計原則,並探討不同表徵呈現順序對學生的影響。由於評量系統尚在建製中,因此設計原則的發展和不同表徵呈現順序對學生的影響,暫先以教學和學習情境來做探討。Multiple external representations (MERs) are widely used in science teaching and learning. Yet previous research has not provided much information on assessment issues such as how and in what conditions MERs could be introduced and used in science assessments and tests. Additionally, little is understood about complex interactions among the use of representations and students‘ performances in computer-based assessments. As MERs are increasingly used in computer-based assessments, how students interact and interpret these digital representations becomes a critical issue to explore.In the first year of the project, we conducted two studies to examine the complex relationships between multiple representations and science education. In the first study, we explored (1) how MERs can be integrated with science processes due to their different affordances, and (2) how student learning with MERs can be scaffolded, especially in a classroom situation. In the second study, we investigate the effects of representation sequences and spatial ability on students’ scientific understandings about the mechanism of breathing in human beings.線上評量模擬為導向的評量探究能力多重表徵科學探究能力的數位評量:以模擬為導向的線上系統之研發-多重表徵與數位評量:中學生在模擬導向的評量系統中之探究能力表現Multiple external representations and computer-based assessments: A study of students’ inquiry skills in simulation-based assessments