張千惠Chang, Chien-Huey劉燕玲Liu, Yen-Ling2019-08-282017-08-172019-08-282017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0696170085%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89345本研究旨在探究影響「社區日間作業設施」學員作業技能養成之因素,研究方法採質性研究取向,以半結構式深度訪談及觀察方式蒐集資料,並參閱個案相關服務資料。主要參與者為2位雇主及2位訓練員,次要參與者為11位身障學員。研究資料分析採質性編碼方式。本研究有三項發現,首先是參與「社區日間作業設施」服務模式之身心障礙者能成功就業的因素;其次是「社區日間作業設施」服務模式之身心障礙者未能成功就業的因素;最後探究「社區日間作業設施」作業技能訓練之困境。其結論如下: 一、參與「社區日間作業設施」服務模式之身障者成功就業的因素 (一)身障者因素 正向人格特質、強烈的工作意願、良好的工作態度。 (二)雇主因素 真誠接納包容肯定的態度、提供就業機會及有用的支持、有僱用身障者經驗、 尋求就業支持系統的協助、指導員工對待身障者應有的認知及行為。 (三)就業服務系統因素 對身障者的正向支持及鼓勵肯定、持續提供服務、提供職務再設計、扮演身障 者與雇主間溝通的橋樑、與雇主保持密切不間斷的連繫。 二、參與「社區日間作業設施」服務模式之身障者未能成功就業的因素 (一)身障者因素 不表達人際互動弱、不識字口語表達不佳、認知理解力弱、思想固著不願配合 ,障礙特質明顯、身體功能限制、工作挫敗缺乏自信、工作產能不佳無法獨立 作業、缺乏工作意願、年紀老化或提早退化。 (二)雇主因素 不願接納身障者、身障者工作表現無法達到雇主的期待或要求。 (三)家庭因素 家長不願子女出去就業、選擇職業別。 三、探究「社區日間作業設施」作業技能訓練之困境 (一)作業技能的養成需長時間的訓練,短時間難看到成效。 (二)作業技能持續進步或部分作業技能目標的達成,不代表工作能力就符合實際 就業市場所需。 (三)作業技能成效較好的學員,選擇留在中心不就業。 (四)年紀老化、身體功能的退化替代了作業技能表現好的優勢。 (五)障礙特質過於顯著或固著。 (六)家長不願子女出去就業。 (七)就業銜接困難。 (八)社區日間作業設施的目標並不單以作業能力培養為目的。The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors impacting successful employment of people with disabilities. Qualitative research methods were utilized to analyze the data. The major participants included two employers and two job coaches. Other participants consisted of 11 workers with disabilities who were served in a community small-scale workshop. Observations were also made to the 11 participants. Additional data collected included: Individualized service plans, on-site work activity records, job skill assessment reports, and job performance evaluation reports. Qualitative data analysis methods were also used to analyze the data. The findings of this study revealed several impressive factors for successful employment: the employees’ positive personality, high motivation for work, and positive attitude toward work. Secondly, this study found that the employers who hired the people with disabilities demonstrated some characteristics: the acceptance of the disability, the positive experiences of hiring people with disabilities, provision of work opportunities, and their enthusiasm for educating coworkers about the employees with disabilities. Third, other supporting factors for successful employment consisted of: the encouragement and on-going support from the employers and job coaches, on-going job accommodation services, and the job coachers’ continuous communications with the employers. Additionally, factors that discouraged employment for people with disabilities were also discussed. Finally, this research shared some challenges of work skill training in a community small-scale workshop. Limitations and suggestions for future research were also presented.社區日間作業設施成功就業作業技能訓練Community small-scale workshopsuccessful employmentwork skill training影響社區日間作業設施學員作業技能養成因素之探究-以基隆市某社區日間作業設施個案為例The Factors Impacting Successful Employment of People with Disabilities Who Were Served in a Community Small-Scale Workshop