陳秀蓉徐佳婷Hsu, Chia-Ting2019-08-282023-01-252019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002012121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90414研究目的:國小專任輔導教師在工作內容除了輔導個案、處理學生問題,往往也需要處理同事、家長們的情緒紓解,本研究想探討國小專任輔導教師情緒勞務與其工作倦怠之關係,並想了解自我慈悲的角色。本研究目的有三,主要在探討國小專任輔導教師:(1)其不同人口背景變項上在情緒勞務、自我慈悲及工作倦怠之差異;(2)在情緒勞務、工作倦怠及自我慈悲的相關性;(3)高低工作倦怠者在情緒勞務與自我慈悲上的差異;(4)探究情緒勞務與自我慈悲對工作倦怠的預測力。 研究方法: 本研究以國小專任輔導教師共計296名有效受試參與者,進行問卷調查。受試者填寫基本資料與三份量表,量表為情緒勞務量表、自我慈悲量表及工作倦怠量表。根據研究目的以獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元階層迴歸分析等統計方式進行假設考驗。 研究結果:(1)不同學歷之國小專任輔導教師在情緒勞務有顯著差異;不同婚姻狀態之國小專任輔導教師在自我慈悲方面有顯著差異。(2)國小專任輔導教師的情緒勞務與自我慈悲呈現正相關;自我慈悲與工作倦怠呈現負相關。(3)高、低工作倦怠之國小專任輔導教師在情緒勞務與自我慈悲部分達顯著差異。(4)情緒勞務與自我慈悲對工作倦怠有部分的預測效果。 討論:(1)國小專任輔導教師情緒勞務越高而自我慈悲越高。(2)國小專任輔導教師自我慈悲越高則工作倦怠越低。(3)低工作倦怠者展現較高的情緒勞務與自我慈悲。(4)情緒勞務與自我慈悲對工作倦怠的預測作用。研究者依研究結果提出建議以供國小專任輔導教師、教育單位及未來研究者參考。Aim: Elementary school counseling teachers in addition to counseling cases and dealing with students ' problems.And often also need to deal with the feelings of colleagues, parents.Therefore, the researcher wants to explore the relationship between emotional service and job burnout in elementary school counseling teachers and the moderating effect of self-compassion. The purposes of the present study were:(1)To analysis the relationships between individual demographics, emotional labor, self-compassion and burnout among elementary school counseling teachers.(2)The correlation between emotional labor, job burnout and self-compassion.(3)The difference between the high and low burnout in emotional labor and self compassion. (4) To explore the prediction of burnout with emotional labor and self-compassion. Methods: The present study surveyed a total of 296 counseling teachers in elementary school. Participants were required to complete 3 questionnaires, including general information, emotional labor questionnaire, self-compassion questionnaire and job burnout questionnaire. According to the study purposes, statistical methods were included independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results:(1)Graduates of university elementary school counseling teachers emotional labor were more than to the master's degree elementary school counseling teachers. Married elementary school counseling teachers are more self-compassion than unmarried elementary school counseling teachers.(2)There is a significant positive correlation between the emotional labor and the self-compassion of elementary school counseling teachers, a significant negative correlation between the self-compassion and the job burnout of elementary school counseling teachers.(3)Counseling teachers with high and low job burnout have significant differences in emotional labor and self -compassion.(4)The predictive effect of emotional labor and self compassion on burnout. Discussion:(1)Elementary school counseling teachers have higher emotional labor and higher self-compassion.(2)Elementary school counseling teachers have the higher the self compassion, the lower the job burnout.(3)Low job burnout showed higher emotional labor and self compassion.(4)Predictive influence of emotional labor and self - compassion on burnout.Based on the findings and conclusions, some practical advices were offered for the reference of elementary school teachers, the educational authorities and future researchers.情緒勞務自我慈悲工作倦怠國小專任輔導教師Emotional LaborBurnoutSelf-compassionElementary school counseling teachers國小專任輔導教師情緒勞務、自我慈悲與工作倦怠之相關研究A Study on Relationship among Counseling Teachers Emotional Labor, Self-compassion and Burnout in Elementary School