梁志民Liang, Chi-Ming黃琨婷Huang, Kun-Ting2023-12-082022-07-022023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2d4c73e8d29029ef76acb1bea15a54b6/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121760本詮釋與分析報告為京劇歌唱劇《孟小冬》劇中的女主角孟小冬作為角色分析、探討與研究。詮釋分析分為六個章節:第一章,以緒論開啟,並講述研究目的與動機以及研究方法與架構。第二章為京劇歌唱劇《孟小冬》的劇本背景探究,此章分為三節。第一節從本劇的文化背景切入並探討,京劇歌唱劇《孟小冬》劇中的時代與當時的京劇發展概要;第二節為論述從二零年代至今的中國的時代變化和社會現象;第三節是表述《孟小冬》劇中之戲中戲的運用,包括戲中戲的劇情大綱與戲中戲中之角色關聯。第三章為劇本分析,此章分為三節。第一節為劇本大綱;第二節介紹《孟小冬》劇中之角色簡介以及第三節的劇本分場結構與架構分析。第四章為《孟小冬》之角色分析,包含角色外在形象、角色內在動機的說明和對孟小冬與其他角色的關係做出深入的研究及分析,讓讀者透過該章節更認識劇中的角色。第五章為本詮釋與分析報告之主題,筆者將該劇中九首貫穿全劇的曲目,包含新編京劇歌唱和運用傳統京劇在其中的歌曲加以分析歌曲中角色之潛台詞、內在情緒、外在表演以及歌曲的詮釋與分析。第六章為總結本論文中各章節之論述,並期許筆者能在舞台上呈現出真實、充滿戲劇性,並展現出她的愛情與追求聲音之美的孟小冬。The paper of this interpretation and analysis were made as a discussion and research for the role of the Heroine in Meng Xiaodong, the New Chinese Opera together with Sining Drama.The writer divided the paper of this interpretation into six chapters as stated below: Chapter one, to start with the introduction and to describe the purpose, motivation, way and structure of this research.Chapter two, to explore the script background of the Chinese Opera/Singing Drama in Meng Xiaodong. This chapter is divided into three verses as below: Verse One: To start with the background of the culture at that age and the development outline of the Chinese Opera at that time as an exploration.Verse Two: To describe the times change and society is now like in Chinasince 1930.Verse three: To describe how to use the way to play in-play drama, including the plot outline and connection of the roles each other.Chapter Three, to analyse the script and this chapter is also divided into three verses as below:Verse one, the outline of the script. Verse two, the brief introduction regarding the role played in Meng Xiaodong.Verse three, to analyse the structures in different scenes and the whole arrangement. Chapter Four, to analyse the role of Meng Xiaodong, including her outer image and inner motivation and the relationship between Hsiao-Dong Meng and the other roles to make a deeper interpretation and exploration in order to let the readers know more about the roles via this chapter.Chapter Five, to interpret and analyse this paper of the theme of the drama, the writer used the 9 songs in the singing drama to link each song, including the New Chinese Opera and the Traditional Chinese Opera and to analyse the songs regarding potential actor's lines and inner emotion and outer performance and the interpretation/analysis of the songs. Chapte Six, to conclude the VI treatise for each chapter of this paper and expect the writer is able to demonstrate the reveal Meng Xiaodong's love and reality and the fullness of the dramatic art and to pursue the beauty of her voice.京劇歌唱劇《孟小冬》新編京劇角色詮釋歌曲分析演唱詮釋Meng Xiaodongpeking operatic musicalChinese Opreaanalysis of the songsinterpretation of the character論京劇歌唱劇《孟小冬》之女主角詮釋與分析An Interpretation and Analysis of The Leading Character inMeng Xiaodong, Peking Operatic Musicaletd