國立臺灣師範大學地理學系王文誠林雪美2016-03-222016-03-222008/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=1649533http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76919土地劣化為全球主要的環境問題之一,主要是因為人類不當使用土地所導致的結果。台灣島土 地環境劣化問題日趨嚴重,尤其環境敏感且脆弱的海岸地區所造成的資源改變與土地劣化最為嚴 重。如何控制土地劣化,被認為是21世紀全球環境保育和永續發展的主要挑戰之一。 為了改善海岸地區的問題,有效的保護海岸環境,美國海岸管理學家John Clark 將海岸經營管 理的目標,包含確保資源的永續使用、維繫生物的多樣性、加強自然災害的防護、強化污染的控制、 合理管制經濟發展、提升海岸社區福祉、整合使用類型等多項理念與行動。本整合型計畫基於海灘 --海岸沙丘--防風林--濕地--丘後土地帶生態系統整個沙丘性海岸的資源特性與功能、價值,並配合 國家頒佈的行動方針及國際海岸保護的趨勢與理念,特研擬本子計畫。以沙丘性海岸環境前緣的海 灘為研究對象,探討其土地資源與環境變遷,根據其環境劣化情形,提出保護與復育的計畫。強調 以合理性環境承載的永續發展為目標,提出長遠可供應用與復育的管理策略。 本研究擬以三年度計畫進行。第一年度主要透過海岸濱線及沙灘剖面形態變遷情形,以瞭解海 灘之環境資源變遷與土地劣化情況。第二年度主要評估海灘環境承載量,以建置海灘的永續發展指 標,與定量與定性的評估。第三年進而研擬海岸劣化環境之復育計畫,並整合所有子計畫的資源調 查成果,配合現有海岸法令與規章,擬定永續發展之規劃課題與目標。並透過土地使用適合性分析 整合調查資料,擬定地使用與永續發展之「實質計畫」與「執行計畫」,以達成本整合型計畫之最 終目標。Land degradation, one of the main subjects in global environmental issues, is mostly a result of improper usage of the land by mankind. In Taiwan Island, the environmental concerns resulting from land degradation are also growing significantly, especially along the coastal regions. Finding a way to limit land degradation has become a main challenge of the global agenda in environmental protection and sustainable development in the 21st century. In order to enhance the protection of coastal environment, John Clark, an American scientist specialized in coastal management, defines the goals of coastal management as the assurance of sustained natural resources, maintaining biodiversity, enhanced prevention of natural disasters, reduction of environmental pollution, reasonable restriction of economical development, improved welfare in costal communities, and an integrated system of usage patterns. Bearing the same philosophy and trend of environmental protection in the international community, this ancillary project is part of a main project which is based on an integrated agenda that accounts for the entire beach –sand dune –protection forest – wetland –back of sanddune ecological system to investigate the resource characteristics, functions and benefits of the sandy coastal region. The plan is, by investigating land usage patterns and environmental changes in the past, to determine the extent of land degradation and then to provide a strategy for prospective environmental protection and soil restoration. This will be a proposal that specify long-term management policies to ensure the sustainable development of the environment and the communities. The project is scheduled for 3 years. The 1st year is mainly devoted to the examination of land degradation and resource changes along the coastal region, based on the investigation of morphological changes in coastal lines and beach cross-sections. The 2nd year will be devoted to the assessment of current environmental loading at the coastal region, and to construct some quantitative and qualitative indices for sustainable development. In the 3rd year, the resource survey results from all the ancillary studies will be integrated to provide some long-term guidelines for sustainable development to compliment the existing government policies regarding the coastal region. The ultimate goal of this research project is, through an integrated investigation and analysis of proper land usages, to provide both a “substantial plan” and an “executive plan” for land usage and sustainable development of the target region.海灘環境變遷土地劣化復育永續發展BeachEnvironment ChangesLand degradationRestorationSustainable Development沙丘性海岸環境資源保育與劣化土地復育研究---以宜蘭海岸為例---宜蘭海岸環境變遷與資源整合之永續規劃與管理(I)The Sustainable Planning and Management Based on Environment Changes and Resources Integration for the I-Lan Coast(I)