張高評Chang, Kao-ping2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24768春秋一代,諸侯專縱,陪臣竊命,王綱解紐,四夷交侵,於是孔子作《春秋》,假筆削以行權,藉史事以明義,大義微言多隱寓其中。諸侯爭盟,列國交兵,既無時而不有,大夫詞令或談言微中,妙在折衝尊俎;行人應答亦溫潤婉麗,貴能化干戈為玉帛。外交折衝之「貴有辭」,遂成《春秋》大義之一。或以有辭見褒,或以失辭見譏,楊樹達《春秋大義述‧貴有辭》曾舉《公羊》《穀梁》以發凡示例。徵諸《左傳》,尤為春秋詞令之大宗,書中再三標榜「有辭」於行人專對之成效:或以退敵軍,或以釋人質,或以破要脅,或以還侵地,飾辭專對往往逆轉形勢,而有利於家國之生存發展。《左傳》大書「詹父有辭」、「我有辭也」、「其辭順」、「子產有辭」云云,其要歸於德、禮、信、義諸倫常因果。與《公羊傳》屬辭所謂異同、遠近、進退、詳略之書法殊異。《左傳》敘次辭命,既揭示「何以書」之資鑑,更呈現「如何書」之言辭;不但以「無經之傳」解說《春秋》,且以之發明《春秋》之勸懲與大義。n Spring and Autumn Period, dukes and vassals defied emperor’s superiors and start rebellions, while foreign tribes tended to invade Center Plains from time to time. Witnessing the collapse of Zhou’s sovereignty, Confucius wrote Chunqiu to criticize the history and to affect the public opinions so that the rightfulness would be upheld. Since the diplomatic language in Chunqiu, such as “Guì Yǒu Cí”, is significant that it directly relates to international affairs and influences the results of international conflicts, it could also be found in Gongyang Zhuan and Guliang Zhuan, especially in Zouzhuan. Zouzhuan not only proves the effectiveness of the diplomatic language, but also presents the way to represent one’s mind by his words. By the way, Zouzhuan eventually elaborates Chunqiu’s advisements, corrections and the significance.春秋》大義外交辭令貴有辭何以書如何書資鑑勸懲he Significance of Chunqiuthe Diplomatic LanguageGuì Yǒu Cíthe Reason to Writethe Way to WriteComprehensive Mirror for Aid in Government’s advisements and corrections「貴有辭」與《春秋》大義“Guì Yǒu Cí” and the Significance of Chunqiu