謝宗翰吳龍翔WU, Lung-Hsiang2022-06-082021-02-032022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/0ddd2f214405b86f4a5942e43588b720/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117839臺灣是個多元民族的社會,百年來融合了各種人文風俗,讓許多能夠代表各種文化的語言,經過歲月的融合漸漸式微,以客家話為例,目前能夠使用客語溝通的年輕人,已經越來越少。臺灣金曲獎於1990年創辦,金曲獎對華語流行音樂具有相當大的影響,近年來提供各種語言音樂的相關獎項,讓對流行音樂有興趣的人,能夠朝自己母語創作的流行歌曲深耕。有鑑於此,筆者想藉著創作客語流行音樂,盡一份傳承母語的本分,在創作的過程中學習使用正確的用詞,以及適合旋律的發音,進一步認識自己的文化。 本研究著眼臺灣客家腔調,結合流行音樂的曲式、配器,作為創作客家流行音樂的基礎。六首創作皆為筆者在「回家」過程中的心路歷程,首先,參考金曲獎客語流行專輯,以及近期臺灣流行音樂的作品,分析適合演唱的客語腔調,歸納大眾喜好的旋律,接著分享創作發想,如何整理故事創作成歌詞,最後結合譜出的旋律及和弦曲式,成為客語流行歌曲。文末將統整資料,把製作客家流行音樂的心得感想,分享給對客家流行音樂議題有興趣的研究者參考。Taiwan is a multi-ethnic society. Over the past century, a variety of cultures have been integrated. Many languages that can represent various cultures have gradually faded over the years. At present, there are fewer young people who can communicate in Hakka. Taiwan’s Golden Melody Award was established in 1990. The Golden Melody Award has had a considerable influence on Chinese pop music. Over the years, it has provided awards in various languages, so that people interested in music can cultivate popular songs in their native language. In view of this, the author wants to create Hakka pop music, do my duty to inherit the mother tongue, seek my own roots, learn to use the correct words and the pronunciation suitable for the melody in the process of creation, and further understand my own culture. Recognize and remind Hakka children not to forget their mother tongue and continue the life of Hakka ancestors. The research focuses on the reality of Hakka tone in Taiwan, and combines the form and Instrumentation of popular music into the creative foundation of Hakka popular music. First of all, the researcher took Hakka albums from Golden Melody Awards and Taiwan’s current popular music as references, analyzing suitable Hakka tone and concluding the public-favored melody, and further shared the originality of the stories behind songs. The researcher wrote these six pieces as an inner journey of “Homecoming”, and then organized them into stories while integrating the composed lyrics and melody with chord form, eventually becoming many Hakka popular songs. In the end, the research has combed through data and offered this self-discovery voyage and the production experience of six Hakka popular songs to any interested parties for future references.客語流行音樂原創歌曲客家流行音樂Hakkapop musiccreationHakka pop music客家流行音樂之研究與應用—以《頂好對面》創作專輯為例Research and Application of Hakka Pop Music—A Case Study of the Album “The place of the heart”學術論文