國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系陳昭揚2016-01-122016-01-122012-12-011025-0689http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76799金代監察御史的選任制度對其官員組成影響較大的規範有二:一是對官員身份條件的設定,此處限制了官員的族屬與出身條件;二是對官員前任職務的設定,此處主要的限制範圍為前職的職品。此外,選任之際也有一些基於實務需求而逐漸成形的運作慣例,如監察御史官員多是選自尚書省人員。這些規範與慣例,基本上得自於金朝對監察御史的重視及多元族群環境的需求。The Investigating Censor 監察御史 was the base of the Censorate 御史臺 in the Jin Dynasty 金朝. During the Jin period, there were two main regulations in the recruitment process influenced the composition of the Investigating Censor officials. The first was to limit the ethnicity and the political quality 出身 of the candidates, the second was to limit the rank 品 of the candidates' former position. In addition, some usages of the appointment had been shaped, such as the appointees were often selected from the low-ranking officials of the Department of State Affairs 尚書省. The regulations and usages of the recruitment of the Investigating Censor officials came from the regard of the Jin court and the requirement of the multi-ethnic political environment.金代監察御史選任政治結構遷轉路徑Jin DynastyInvestigating CensorRecruitmentPolitical structurePromotion routes金代監察御史的選任制度及其運作--以官員組成為中心的考察The Recruitment of the Investigating Censor in the Jin Dynasty