董澤平Dong, Tse-Ping林函青Lin, Han-Ching2024-12-172024-06-192024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/701e854ac5d29ef15fbe7c0cf11380ef/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122816本研究以「環境、社會及公司治理(ESG)風潮下的室內設計策略」為主題,探討ESG原則如何影響室內設計實踐,並以大進室內設計公司的案例為研究對象。隨著全球對可持續發展的重視,室內設計行業也必須重新考慮其在環保、社會責任及企業治理方面的角色和策略。研究方法包括文獻回顧、深度訪談及案例分析,旨在全面理解ESG原則對室內設計的影響。研究發現,ESG原則的整合促使室內設計師在材料選擇、能源效率及空間使用等方面作出創新。例如,大進室內設計在其商業與住宅項目中應用生態友好材料和能源管理系統,不僅提升了設計的環境性能,也增強了社會影響力。此外,透過ESG策略的實施,公司能夠在市場中建立差異化優勢,吸引更多具有環保意識的客戶。本研究建議室內設計師應持續探索和實踐ESG原則,以應對全球可持續發展的挑戰。未來研究可進一步探討ESG導向設計對消費者行為和企業品牌的具體影響。This study examines the impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles on interior design strategies, focusing on Daking Interior Design as a case study. With the increasing global emphasis on sustainable development, the interior design industry is compelled to reevaluate its role and strategies concerning environmental protection, social responsibility, and corporate governance. The research methodology includes a literature review, in-depth interviews, and case analyses to thoroughly understand the influence of ESG principles on interior design practices.The findings reveal that integrating ESG principles encourages interior designers to innovate in material selection, energy efficiency, and space utilization. For instance, Daking Interior Design's application of eco-friendly materials and energy management systems in their commercial and residential projects not only enhances the environmental performance of their designs but also amplifies their social impact. Furthermore, by implementing ESG strategies, the company is able to establish a competitive edge in the market, attracting more environmentally conscious clients. The study recommends that interior designers should continue to explore and implement ESG principles to address global sustainability challenges. Future research could further investigate the specific impacts of ESG-oriented designs on consumer behavior and corporate brandingESG設計策略綠色設計室內設計碳中和淨零排放ESGDesign StrategiesGreen DesignInterior DesignCarbon NeutralNet ZeroESG 風潮下綠色設計策略之研究 — 以大進室內設計為例Research on Green Design Strategy in the Era of ESG : A Case Study of the Daking Interior Design學術論文