湯仁燕黃品瑄Huang, Pin-Hsuan2019-08-292015-07-282019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060103016E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92572初任教師在離開師培機構、進入教育現場之後,往往容易深陷初任教職的泥淖,產生所謂現實震撼。在教學過程中,透過不斷的調整與轉化,初任教師才慢慢摸索與試圖建立屬於自己的學科教學知識。然而,以國中公民科而言,學生不論在公民知識、公民態度或公民行動實踐的能力培養,都必須仰賴公民科教師的教學轉化,可見國中公民科初任教師發展學科教學知識的重要性。 是以,本研究旨在透過探討兩位國中公民科初任教師發展學科教學知識之歷程、困境,及面對困境的因應之道。本研究採用質性研究取向,蒐集資料的方法以深度訪談為主,輔以觀察及文件分析。 本研究之主要研究結論: 1. 學科教學知識從實習階段開始具體發展,進入初任階段後受現實因素影響,學科教學知識的發展漸趨效率化。 2. 兩位初任教師的學科教學知識偏向生活經驗中心、學習者中心、教科書中心。 3. 學科教學知識發展困境與教育現實因素有密切關聯,兩位初任教師面臨困境時因擁有正向教師信念而能積極面對、不停尋找因應之道。 希冀藉由本研究之結論與建議,給予相關研究者或教學者作為參考,亦期能回饋母校之師培單位。After being graduated from the teacher's training organization, beginning teachers often got stuck in their school job, and felt the reality shock. Through several adjustments and changes in their teaching process, beginning teachers would gradually establish their own PCK. However, students' capacity building in civic knowledge, civic attitude and civic engagement in civic education of junior high school, are really relied on the instruction by teachers. Therefore, the PCK development of the beginning teachers is really important. The purpose of this research is to explore two beginning junior high school teachers how to develop their PCK and the difficulties in the process, and also their ways to face with each difficulties. The data sources were from the classroom observation, interviews and documents. The findings in the research are as follows: 1. Since teachers were in the intern stage, their PCK started to develop concretely. Until they became novice teachers, their PCK has been influenced by the reality factors, so it grows efficiently. 2. The PCK of two novice teachers in this research shows experience-centred, learner-centred, and textbook-centred approachs. 3. The obstacles of PCK development are connected with reality factors. The teachers in this research can face with the obstacles positively because of their teacher beliefs. It is hoped that the findings and the suggestions of the research could provide valuable information for teachers or investigators who are in the similar situations or same researching interest, and also offer contributions to teacher education in NTNU.國中公民科初任教師新進教師學科教學知識Civic EducationBeginning TeacherNovice TeacherPedagogical Content KnowledgePCK國中公民科初任教師學科教學知識發展之研究The PCK Development of Junior High School Beginning Teacher in Civic Education